- Comment on Woman arrested with python down her pants at Melbourne train station 3 days ago:
- Comment on The surprises found just moving a mattress 1 month ago:
Ironically you’re the one who missed the joke here
- Comment on The surprises found just moving a mattress 1 month ago:
Might be a rabbit styled one
- Comment on Dolphins is whales. 6 months ago:
So reading up on the evolution of whales for arguments sake has me realising all dolphins and whales are (as mentioned) from the same family.
Your traditional whale fits into “Baleen Whales (Mysticeti)” which have “soft, hair like structures on the upper mouth” and there are 16 species and 3 families.
Meanwhile there are also “Toothed Whales (Odontceti)” with 76 species and 10 families. They are smaller, actively hunt and almost always live in pods.
The most surprising thing I’ve learned is that the Baleen Whales typically have two blow holes…??? Also they do not echolocate but they do sing/chat.
So almost all your traditional large whales fit into the Baleen category and the traditional dolphin fits into the Toothed category. So there are key differences between them, but the overall family is whale.
This is a dumb argument huh
- Comment on Dolphins is whales. 6 months ago:
Dolphins are whales with teeth, a distinction that makes them just slightly not whales
- Comment on What are You Working on Wednesday 8 months ago:
Been working on a malware analysis tool called AssemblyLine 4. I’m trying to set it up to collect artifacts from an s3 bucket and trigger alerts if malicious
- Comment on Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach, hmm? You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? 9 months ago:
But was it Bailey’s, Bailey’s, or Bailey’s so close you get your eyes wet coloured?
- Comment on Which is which? 9 months ago:
My favourite use is to suggest a near miss: the other car missed the cyclist by a bees dick.
- Comment on Which is which? 9 months ago:
Huh, not heard that one
- Comment on Which is which? 9 months ago:
Same thought different reasoning: the expression “a bees dick” exists. There’s no equivalent for birds.