- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 5 days ago:
The whole thing about flat earthers is that they come up with more and more elaborate explanations to fit each individual observation, when Occam’s razor says that the theory that explains them all should probably be the correct one.
Like, they’ll argue about refraction of light due to hot air being the cause for the disappearance of ships past the horizon, and then their explanation for how time zones work is something else entirely, and why we have seasons, and why planes take the routes they do, and all this other nonsense. They all need separate, complicated explanations, and they willingly accept them and vehemently deny the simplest theory that ties everything together.
The actual explanation for this behaviour is flat earthers are a friend group, doubly so for the people who pushed “globeheads” out of their life. So to change their view is to socially isolate themselves
- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 4 weeks ago:
Cat in Mandarin is māo
- Comment on 1+1= 2 months ago:
If you created this without the use of an LLM, you have a gift.
- Comment on Makes more sense than the Imperial system 2 months ago:
But a ton is not 1000 kg, that’s a tonne 🤓
- Comment on Trigo-nom-etry 3 months ago:
It rearranges to secant of c
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 3 months ago:
The difference in relative acceleration implied by the meme is on the order of tens of yoctometres (10⁻²³ m) per second per second.
It’s a difference so small that it would be overshadowed by the fact that you’re holding one object femtometres higher or lower than the other in the gravitational field.
Additional sources of error to consider at this scale might be the heat radiation from the surroundings providing radiation pressure on the object, the sloshing of Earth’s core causing time-dependent variations in the gravitational field, the location-dependent variations in the Earth’s gravitational field, and the difference in centrifugal (yes, centrifugal in this reference frame) force due to latitude differences of one micrometre, and also due to natural variations in the rate of Earth’s rotation over time.
- Comment on Literally Nineteen Eighty-Four 3 months ago:
Euros count as a unit 😏
3.5 G€
Ok, while I’m being facetious, let’s do it for dollars too. G$3.5… oh that’s horrible!
- Comment on Pick some unrelated lectures, they said. 3 months ago:
“More recent research has produced a more precise emperical relation, -4.2x^3.761+√(sin(2x²/π))±erf(e²ˣ+37), which produces results which are 0.2% more accurate on average.”
- Comment on Square! 4 months ago:
The angle of the arc in degrees is (180π-90)/π², or if you’re a person of culture, the angle is (2π-1)/2π
- Comment on Seriously. 5 months ago:
It is, but like everything imperial, it is cursed. So it still has a degree sign by convention despite being an absolute scale
- Comment on Lichens are things 5 months ago:
That’s why they scare me and I refuse to eat them
- Comment on Strength 6 months ago:
I know it’s a joke but it bugs me because foot-pound is energy not pressure
- Comment on Geohydtotypography 6 months ago:
And how much by sea level rise?
- Comment on Old AF 6 months ago:
That would be old as fucking. Fuck, the word, has been around in English for about 500 years or so. Shakespeare is old as fuck.
- Comment on I can whistle at the speed of sound 6 months ago:
Well that’s pretty easy, just fire it anywhere except a vacuum.
- Comment on Conversing with Mathematicians 6 months ago:
You can find the value of ln(-1)¹⁰ by examining the definition of ln(x): the result z satisfies eᶻ=x. For x=-1, that means the z that satisfies eᶻ=-1. Then we know z from euler’s identity. Raise to the 10, and there’s our answer. And like you pointed out, it’s not a particularly helpful answer.
- Comment on Conversing with Mathematicians 6 months ago:
Therefore i¹⁰ = ln(-1)¹⁰/pi¹⁰ = -1
This is true but does not follow from the preceding steps, specifically finding it to be equal to -1. You can obviously find it from i²=-1 but they didn’t show that. I think they tried to equivocate this expression with the answer for e^(iπ) which you can’t do, it doesn’t follow because e^(iπ) and i¹⁰ = ln(-1)¹⁰/pi¹⁰ are different expressions and without external proof, could have different values.
- Comment on Animals are not gifts. 6 months ago:
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 6 months ago:
Scientific literature doesn’t always take on the observation, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion form so strictly. A lot of the time it’s “Thiis is the state of the field so far. Hey look what we found, that’s interesting. Conclusion: somebody should look into this”
- Comment on Compost 6 months ago:
Proteins are also typically denatured by heat, and yet cooking does not remove prions. Prions are hard to get rid of.
- Comment on Linguistics 6 months ago:
Formality, just like meaning, is decided collectively. The reason you wouldn’t use “cheugy no cap” in a formal email is not because they’re not words, but because they are commonly understood to be informal.
- Comment on Radioactivity 7 months ago:
They overturned the dirt in the exclusion zone to bury the fallout so that it’s less of a possibility for it to move around. You wouldn’t want to live there, drink from the groundwater, farm there, etc.
- Comment on Caption this. 7 months ago:
Actual explanation
“Subject alternately fixates on each of two proffered snacks, before choosing one. [The image shows the] average path of the decision variable according to the Krajbich model for three parameter settings. The decision variable ramps toward the left or right choice boundaries, with the slope determined by the true relative subjective value of the items (here, left is preferred), but biased to slope toward the item currently being fixated. The biases depicted are: high (green), medium (red, as actually inferred from the data) or none (blue). Clocks depict the excess time spent looking at the left versus the right option at each step.” TL;DR The leaning of the decision-maker is influenced by which choice they’re currently looking at, getting stronger with time, until a threshold is reached where the decision is made. A more eye-catching item is therefore more likely to be chosen because it gets more sight-time. www.nature.com/articles/nn1010-1153
- Comment on Clay content 7 months ago:
Sandy Loam??? WHO IS SHE
- Comment on What the fuck 7 months ago:
Quebec swear words are almost all Catholicism-derived. The Tabernacle, the Host, the Chalice, the Virgin, etc.
- Comment on Economics 8 months ago:
I had one professor who could tell almost any calculator model from 30 feet away. Other than him I never had any professor care about the specific model of calculator during an examination.
- Comment on PSI 8 months ago:
It’s not so much the force that is important, regardless of if it’s normalized for body size, it’s the pressure that does damage. psi (or Pa in SI) is the appropriate unit.
- Comment on The Pack 8 months ago:
Which would conversely strengthen the idea that wolves hunt in packs due to the difficulty of hunting.
- Comment on The Pack 8 months ago:
But wait, if a lone wolf gets 53% of the moose, but a pack of six gets 83% of the moose, then per-wolf that’s 13.8% of the moose. Why would an individual opt to hunt in a pack then?
- Comment on Stress 8 months ago:
A successful organism would not have evolved to highly express cortisol to weed itself out in the case that it has a stressful life. It makes no sense for an organism to evolve a trait that makes it at best equally likely and at worst less likely to reproduce.
The reason we release excess cortisol in modern life is because our bodies did not evolve for constantly present stressors, they evolved to be stressed in a situation, run away from the tiger, and then you’re good.