- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 2 days ago:
I just couldn’t get into Last Epoch. Can’t really put a finger on why, since other ARPGs grabbed me that are not that dissimilar…
- Comment on Happy birthday, peon 1 week ago:
Pizzas are usually savoury
- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 1 week ago:
Yeah, but are you bald everywhere? (Sorry)
- Comment on It was rigged? 5 weeks ago:
Bold of you to assume that you wouldn’t be the one being beat up.
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 5 weeks ago:
No idea. Maybe it isn’t even a letter?
- Comment on Other than Smite, what are some other games with a large amount of mythological pantheons as playable characters? 5 weeks ago:
That explains a lot. I played Grim Dawn and thought that it took a lot of inspiration from Titan Quest, especially the levelling system. Never put 2 and 2 together though.
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 1 month ago:
To be fair, we currently have an overpopulation of jellyfish due to both the decline of turtles and raising sea temperatures, so if anything, this is helping.
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 2 months ago:
Hi David Mitchell!
- Comment on Yes No 2 months ago:
It means you are in a dream. Wake up!
- Comment on Bees 2 months ago:
They really exist
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 3 months ago:
Children of a Dead Earth is a tactical space game with n-body Newtonian physics. This means that on the surface it is very similar to something like KSP, you can do things like orbit a Lagrange point. In addition, you can design all the parts of you spacecraft and weaponry down to the materials they use. If you can make a fuel tank made out of aerogel work with the laws of physics, then you can use it. For example, I made a coilgun that fires nukes which was devastating at close range but the low velocity of the nukes made them easy to dodge at long range and without any thrusters, they cannot course correct.
- Comment on Help Finding a Game 5 months ago:
Only if it is a shellfish
- Comment on Relationships 6 months ago:
- Comment on Every base is base 10 6 months ago:
I like the detail that there alien has 4(10) fingers as opposed to the 10(22) that the human has.
- Comment on RNAception 7 months ago:
TV series called Person of Interest. Very good series that doesn’t overstay its welcome.
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 9 months ago:
Rip and tear until it is done