- Github: github.com/danhab99
- GPG keys: github.com/danhab99.gpg
- Website: danhabot.is-a.dev
- Comment on sussvival instinct 1 day ago:
Whole bacteria are found within an organlle
That is even more mind blowing to me
- Comment on sussvival instinct 1 day ago:
I read this thing’s entire wiki page and it’s fascinating!!
- Imo it’s not even an animal it’s just a collection of cells that can survive on their own but just don’t want too
- It will rip itself into multiple parts spontaneously because cells don’t coordinate too much. They don’t have dedicated neurons but they have a decently complex peptide based protocol.
- You can put a single Trichoplax animal through a sive that is fine enough not to damage the cells but separate them, and the cells will reform into the same animal
- They can reproduce sexually but they don’t have any of the markers that all males of all sexually reproducing species have. Plus because they only ever sexually reproduce when there’s a high density of Trichoplaxs, it’s basically a pattern of Trichoplax cells choosing to break away and combine with other cells to create new individuals.
- They’re just about as simple as e.coli and they’re the simplest animals with about 50mill base pairs divided into 6 chromosomes
- They can take the organelles of the cells they eat just because. The wiki article calls it symbiosis but that implies that organelles are alive and I don’t think they are. I think Trichoplaxs can just take tools from other creatures to use.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 weeks ago:
Huh… wish I was there. Oh well seems like the fediverse is working, yay
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 weeks ago:
That’s not how this works… you just go to a different instance like wtf?
- Comment on Funny this never made it into a James Taylor song 5 weeks ago:
No but I know when it’s time to keep my shoes on and go home
- Comment on 8 years ago...?! 1 month ago:
Vine shutdown around then
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on It's insidious 3 months ago:
I liked them the same, but I could name more episodes that I enjoyed and Voyager than DS9
- Comment on It's insidious 4 months ago:
I’ll die on the hill that ds9 wasn’t bad. It wasn’t the best, lowest of the 4… but if ds9 was the worst and it’s still good than the other shows are great
- Comment on Currently happening 4 months ago:
And when it’s not any of those cases then that person has a horrible pattern of behavior. I’ve learned this lesson way too hard.
- Comment on sfx 8 months ago:
Ned mor branrot plz
- Comment on ChatGPT’s much-heralded Mac app was storing conversations as plain text 8 months ago:
I mean… Sure it can look alittle different in the database but I’d assume 99% of my Internet footprint is plain text
- Comment on Have rock 8 months ago:
Aren’t some wolves also persistent hunters?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Maybe that’s why current year sitcoms are so lame, the laugh track made the "mean"ness a joke
- Comment on Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws 8 months ago:
TBH I kinda agree with the states here… I started watching porn waaayyyy too early and it’s fucking me up… without a doubt… I shouldn’t have seen all the things I looked for and now I gotta put up with it.
But I also agree with PornHubs decision. There is no way to verify age without exposing your identity. There isn’t even a way to trust a 3rd party to verify someone’s age.
There really isn’t a middle ground, the only way to protect kinds (like little me) is to block the porn. But websites go on and offline every few minutes, VPNs and Tor are free and hard to blacklist.
How do we censor internet porn?? ¯\(°_o)/¯
- Comment on Are business cards still a thing? 9 months ago:
I put a QR code on my smart watch with a 🔗 nk to my website
- Comment on Venus Fly Traps 9 months ago:
I know carnivores plants are plants, but I never really thought of a venus flytrap’s flower.
- Comment on Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy? 11 months ago:
Lemmy is already diverse, you just gotta find the right instance, or multiple instances! The whole point of joining your platform to the federation is for visibility and control
- Comment on hold my labcoat 1 year ago:
I think it’s called a positron. It’s just an anti-negative or positive excitation of the electric field.
- Comment on How can a person be very sad, irritated or angry and still not show it on their face ? 1 year ago:
You try to cope by masking your feelings and projecting an emotion that might release myself from this bullshit