- Comment on The heart we can't neglect indeed 8 months ago:
Any statement preceded by “no source needed” is propaganda.
I don’t even think you’re wrong here, but that’s not a statement that should ever stand unchallenged.
- Comment on Which side are you on? 9 months ago:
Honestly with a writeup like this I wouldn’t be mad about it even if you did, this is excellent
- Comment on Anon fucks up 9 months ago:
Most Christians do not consider Bible stories to be allegorical and suggesting as much can be called heresy.
Many, many things could be different and better if more people realized more of those stories are allegory.
- Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer 9 months ago:
I think this is all fair criticism. I played this game when I was 12, after all, and did mostly play the multiplayer after a single run through of the story.
Also important to note that I hadn’t actually played the mainline Prime games yet at that time, that probably had a lot to do with it.
- Comment on Anon plays Balatro 9 months ago:
Great write up, only thing I disagree on is the buffoon packs, I take those things all the time. Around the same cost as a mid level joker but you get a choice of several to pick from, often at least one of which would normally be more expensive than the pack was. They’re not always winners but the value is often good. And standard packs are one of the primary sources of really good deck cards, otherwise you’re relying entirely on tarot cards to buff your deck after you have a good joker setup and that can get dicey. Use discretion, but I take packs of all sorts more often than I don’t so long as I can stay above or at least near the interest cap while doing so. My buying priorities usually go Voucher(if I can afford it) > Packs > Voucher(if I can’t afford it yet) > Shop > Reroll.
But I’m also not an expert by any means, I have similar stats to yours.
- Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer 9 months ago:
With Primehack you can play the OG prime series (I think the Wii U version?) on PC with a controller for dual joystick control like a modern FPS, or even m+k. It also runs well on steam deck, I have it on mine. It’s very excellent, highly recommend.
- Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer 9 months ago:
I actually liked Hunters :c
- Comment on Natural selection has no plan 9 months ago:
Carcinisation. Presumably rooted in the Cancer crab constellation.
- Comment on no it do not 9 months ago:
Well, sure hope you haven’t done a lot of existing in public lately, because damn near everything out there has my tax dollars in it, and I’d appreciate you not abusing them. Get off my roads, get out of my schools, get out of my parks, unless you’re paying into them.
Also, keep an eye out for the nice men knocking at the door. They’ll be there soon with some questions, I’m sure.
- Comment on scrumptious 9 months ago:
My mother used to be like this with steak. She would ask for it well done, and after the waiter wrote that down, she’d follow up with a comparison to a hockey puck. Like really just fuck this thing up sideways, it should be charcoal. The looks we got from most waiters were hilarious.
Meanwhile my dad would order the rarest steak it was legal to sell him. “Just walk it past the grill on the way out here, I want it still trying to graze on my salad”.
To their credit most places got it close enough that we could eat without complaint.
- Comment on 'Murica 9 months ago:
Not with that attitude it isn’t
- Comment on Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - PREVIEW THREAD 9 months ago:
I had a look at VaatiVidya’s video on this (many spoilers, you are warned) and while this all looks incredibly awesome, all I can think about seeing some of the new weapons are how these things are going to be an absolute menace in PvP. Specifically the >!beast claws.!<
Good thing I’m already trash at PvP and am used to losing, because it looks like we’re getting like 8 new variations on what made Rivers of Blood a meta pick. I’m not really that upset about it, PvP isn’t my main draw to elden ring and I am going to have a ton of fun with these new weapons in single player, so I consider it a net positive, but even so, yeesh.
- Comment on Ikea is now hiring: Make an hourly wage at its Roblox store 9 months ago:
This is the sort of use case that VR can be a great fit for if someone put the money into creating it. Roblox isn’t the medium for this.
- Comment on Hail Caesar 9 months ago:
My man you are wearing Arizona State football gear as armor, I don’t think you get to count that as Roman decor
- Comment on Riven | Official Launch Trailer | Available June 25th 9 months ago:
Fuck yeah, good for Mike. That sort of thing still works sometimes, but you have to be really, really good at what you do. But getting a good portfolio in the right hands at the right time is really all it takes.
- Comment on everything actually important is already metric 9 months ago:
I mean, that might be true, but I work on a lot of shit that’s right around 20 years old. It’s mostly metric. But I keep a set of standard sockets around that I’ve had to pull out once or twice. Sometimes it’s been because of swollen bolts but sometimes I’m pretty damn sure that’s a 5/16.
- Comment on everything actually important is already metric 9 months ago:
Mechanics work in metric mostly. You still come across some imperial sizes occasionally. Though recently that’s been getting standardized a lot better.
- Comment on Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer 9 months ago:
After reviewing this list I have neglected to mention Shadows of Forbidden Gods, a Civ like where you play as Cthulhu, and more importantly I forgot to talk about Deep Rock Galactic and will be hurling myself into lava as penance at my nearest convenience.
- Comment on Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer 9 months ago:
Hell yeah I would.
If you enjoy roguelikes, I got you in spades.
- Slay the Spire is currently $8 USD on sale and is one of my most played games of all time. Deck building roguelike.
- Caves of Qud is the single greatest modern classic roguelike that I’ve ever played and is also in my top 5 of most played games of all time. $20 USD. If you understand what the string of words “modern classic roguelike” means and that intrigues you then you’re in for a treat and a half.
- Dead Cells speaks for itself on its store page and is technically out of price range for this at $25 when not on sale, but it’s worth the extra five bucks. It’s also worth the additional $25 for all the DLCs, after you’ve sunk 200 hours into the base game already.
- Cult of the Lamb - ditto above about the price tag, you actually largely can’t go wrong with most things published by Devolver Digital. I own a significant percentage of their lineup and haven’t been disappointed. Devolver isn’t the dev company, but they take a lot of indie teams for publishing and I like them a lot. They’re good folks that sell good games.
- Risk of Rain 2 - is also $25 but worth the squeeze. I’ll try to keep everything else in the price range.
- Rift Wizard - $14.99, and the very similar but slightly superior Rift Wizard 2 at $17.99 are fun little strategy-heavy games about playing what amounts to wizard chess. The store page videos will describe this game better than I’m able to. It’s actually quite a good little game for people that enjoy games that require you to become ludicrously overpowered to survive.
- Balatro - $14.99, the significant buzz around this game is entirely warranted, cursed poker will consume the next four months of your life. You have been warned.
- Path of Achra - $9.99 A self described “broken build sandbox” that is, and very much looks like, a game made by one dude in his spare time. Don’t let the art fool you, I love it to pieces. Another game for people that enjoy games that require you to get super overpowered to survive.
- Tiny Rogues - $9.99 I only recently got into this one. Great game, great replay value, check out videos to see if it’s for you.
Outside of the roguelike genre there are also a couple good ones that I’ll name, though I do admit this list will probably be shorter:
- Siralim Ultimate - $19.99 is one of the grindiest monster collector games I’ve ever played but if you enjoy grinding that sort of game, you can build teams that would dunk your competitive Uber Pokémon team into the shadow realm. It has a ridiculous number of creatures with a ridiculous number of absurd abilities and you’ll find yourself farming this game on and off for like six years. Or I did anyway, I’ve been following the evolution of the game since Siralim 2 in 2016. You can also play any of them on your phone, which I actually find to be the superior experience for the most part because it’s a good game to play in 10-minute bursts over long periods of time. If you’re going to get any of them go straight to Ultimate, don’t bother with the others, it’s the same game significantly evolved over time.
- Exanima - $14.99 Top down physics based melee combat RPG. Check the store page videos and youtube to figure out if this interests you. It very much did interest me, and after several years of dev silence the game is now being actively updated again, which is very exciting.
- Ultrakill - $25 currently (I know, I know, I said I wouldn’t do this anymore…) Buy it on sale if you’re a fan of fast paced FPS games, say new Doom for example. Don’t read, just buy. Trust me on this one. I wouldn’t steer you wrong, I promise.
- Hollow Knight - $14.99 The greatest metroidvania of our age and spawned more knockoffs than the genre namesakes did. Pls give silksong.
- Sunless Sea - $18.99 This is a very slow and very story driven game about being a sailor in hell. Familiarity with the general setting of Fallen London is very beneficial but is not required. This game is slow. But if you can vibe with it, it will deliver one of the most deeply touching RPG stories I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. This game is truly a treasure that won’t be appreciated by most people. But even so I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least mention it for you to look at.
I have to stop myself here because I could go on about this all night and still not be done. Gaming is my main hobby and indie games are the main games I play. Name me a genre you enjoy and I’ll scroll around for recommendations if none of the above catch your eye.
- Comment on Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer 9 months ago:
It’s the golden age of indie games. I’ve got dozens of games on my steam library made by a team of between 1 and 12 people that I bought for $20 or less. Those guys are doing great, and doing great work. I rarely ever even give a second glance to big AAA releases anymore, with a couple specific exceptions.
- Comment on Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely. 10 months ago:
- Comment on Beans 10 months ago:
Plants consume, produce, and “fix” (make usable) different resources, hence the wild success of crop rotation for the last 8,000 years.
- Comment on Anon's sister is a NEET shut-in 10 months ago:
A sibling is a lot easier to approach in a lot of subjects than a parent, I think. Sometimes this is what a person needs, and if their sibling is willing and able to meet them on that this is just a good personal family dynamic.
- Comment on YOU. 10 months ago:
Pay me twenty bucks and delete discord
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 10 months ago:
Sure, that’s fair. And you might have had good parents. But that does not always generalize.
- Comment on Does it seem odd to track my lifespan? 10 months ago:
This is good advice. Most people aren’t weird enough to be happy. Pay attention and you’ll notice most of the super weird people, that project their weirdness and wear it openly, are pretty joyful people. They have shed societal expectation to simply exist as they wish to be.
Now there is a balance there, too far in that direction and you sometimes end up unemployed and homeless. But hell, even most van hippies are pretty happy people. You’ve just gotta find where your own balance is on the scale.
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 10 months ago:
I saw the non marriage related choices they made when I was a kid. Like hell I’m letting them choose my life partner. You’re assuming all parents are rational and efficient, when many, even most of them are not. They are also just people, as prone to mistakes and bad choices as you or I. If I’m getting handcuffed to a bad decision I’d like if it was at least my own bad decision.
- Comment on Reality 10 months ago:
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I remember playing Midnight Club 3 when I was a kid and learning about KidRobot from their in world billboards. It fits really well in a racing game.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Noita is so, so, so much more than it seems from the reviews and trailers. Trust me. If the core gameplay looks cool to you, pick it up, and then know that once you’ve “beaten” the game the first time (took me 40 hours to do) you’ve experienced approximately 5% of the total game content. Noita is an Easter egg wrapped inside four secrets wrapped in an enigma. One of my favorite games ever made.