- Comment on Anyone remember this? 1 week ago:
It had the best loading animation with the comets flying by. Much better than IE rotating and becoming the planet earth. This was back when you actually had to wait for pages to load.
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 4 weeks ago:
If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t theft. ;-)
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
They are regulated, but there’s a lot of breakdowns in the system. People passing background checks who shouldn’t, prior offenders passing background checks because local cops didn’t report them to the feds, etc. The DC Navy Yard shooter years back literally had fired a weapon into his neighbor’s apartment before and still passed a background check to buy the weapons he committed the shooting with. I also think if you’re a parent and you leave your weapon accessible by your children, and they go shoot up their school, you should be held at least partially liable. As somebody who is former military, the civilian population gets away with a hell of a lot with regards to firearms. No federally mandated training standards, concealed carry licenses are haphazard and go state by state, and not all states recognize other states’ permits, no federally mandated storage requirements, etc. When I was in the military, if I wanted to go target practice on base with my personal weapons I had to register them with the provost marshal on base, keep the weapons and ammo separate in locked boxes out of my reach while driving to the range, etc. And if one weapon went missing the entire base was locked down; gates closed and nobody in or out until it was located. Civilians get by with way too much.
I think a lot of our problem is loose are missing standards at the federal level, which leaves each individual state to kind of make things up as they go along and not communicate properly with feds when things go wrong.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I’ve been using DuckDuckGo for years now and it works surprisingly well for me. 9 times out of 10 I find exactly what I’m looking for in the first coupe of results. Brave Search is another independent alternative you might look into.
AI generated garbage seems to be cluttering up places like Google.
- Comment on Amazing advertisement for Threads by Instagram! 1 year ago:
They’re beginning to federate with Mastodon, though at least so far it’s only developers and employees at Meta. If it becomes an issue later though I’ll just block that whole domain from appearing in my feed.