- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 1 month ago:
I had an argument with my partner that they got to sit in bed on their phone for 10 minutes while I had to get up and care for the newborn. They were paying bills. I was still jealous. The argument ended with us both agreeing we were tired and would send the kid to daycare and nap.
- Comment on At the airport. The TSA thought my daughter's Hello Kitty carry-on was suspicious. [More in body.] 2 months ago:
Not sure why you think it’s that high of a number.
- Comment on Before it's too late! 8 months ago:
Why do men need to learn to groan? Are they giving birth?
- Comment on doggos 11 months ago:
Or, like, have night mode exist on earth. One of these ideas should work.
- Comment on Does it really matter if you use white or colour detergent for washing clothes in a washingmachine? 11 months ago:
I never have used detergent for colored clothes.
- Comment on How did overalls and jumpsuits went from male work clothe to female fashion without becoming "male fashion" ? 11 months ago:
Not sure if you noticed women’s pants are significantly tighter and more form fitting than men’s. They also tend to be thinner and stretchier to accommodate, and therefore usually wear out faster and are not as good in cold weather.
- Comment on How did overalls and jumpsuits went from male work clothe to female fashion without becoming "male fashion" ? 11 months ago:
Generally if women wear something, men will avoid it to not appear affeminate. Increasingly so throughout history as fashion is incorporated into gender roles.
- Comment on if the bird flu started spreading between humans, how long would you need to stay quarantined before it was safe to come out?? 11 months ago:
It’s totally unfair to judge humanity on just one pandemic when people refuse to wear masks and quarantine. We should also look at the 1918 pandemic.
- Comment on Does more knowledge/awareness have a tendency to reduce enthusiasm for some subjects/activities? 1 year ago:
Came here for this
- Comment on How does a SO feel different from a very good friend? 1 year ago:
Very true! Although honeymoon phase/stage can last quite a while, individuals depending.
- Comment on How does a SO feel different from a very good friend? 1 year ago:
A good friend (platonic relationship) is someone I can see every day, talk to about anything, and I want them in my life regularly. I personally cannot spend 100% all my time with someone who is just a good friend.
A romantic relationship is a good friend who I can live with and want to share a blanket and cuddle with at the end of the day. It’s someone I might want to hold hands with, kiss, or sleep with. It’s someone I want to come home to at the end of a good day to share good news, or end of a bad day to make it better.
A sexual relationship is someone I want to kiss and have sex with.
There are overlap. Romantic friends and friends with benefits are pretty common terms. Having a romantic relationship with sexual interest often ends up in bad relationships; I’ve heard this described as “feels like it should work” or “I loved them but I didn’t like them.”
- Comment on Amazon pricing makes no sense. 1 year ago:
40 tea bags for $15, 3 day shipping.
Amazon isn’t the only place to get things online, orders over $35 get free shipping from Walmart. Bonus: Walmart employees are allowed to use the toilet as necessary.
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
I showed this to my husband and asked him if he would like this. Turns out rice with sides of raw chicken and apple sauce get a shudder and gag.
- Comment on Flying used to be this magical, miraculous thing! 1 year ago:
It also use to be financially out of reach for most people. You can still pay for the nicer experience by paying for faster and easier security and first class seats. It’s been made access to more financial groups, and most people choose or can only afford the cheaper option.
- Comment on Lemmy, why are you wrong? 1 year ago:
Two things can be true.
- Comment on Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for money? 1 year ago:
They are homeless, which means they can’t get jobs (which require an address) and they might not be able to get bank accounts (also required for a job, also require an address). Even if they have access to showers and laundry facilities and a place to keep their stuff, they still can’t get a job without an address and bank account.
Your parents did something many people do, which is make excuses for why it’s ok to not care about others. It’s rare for someone to fake it. Most people are not lazy enough to forgo shelter, and when they are it’s usually classified as a mental illness or low IQ. There are also many who are down on their luck. They might have not had great upbringings and were not taught the skills needed to organize their lives, or they could have no family left except responsibilities and they couldn’t afford (money or time to) college/University. Lower income jobs don’t pay enough for someone to live on their own many places.
Please keep having empathy and caring about others. You can’t help everyone but you can vote to change policy local or otherwise, and you can donate or volunteer. Everyone deserves kindness.
- Comment on Is the right to abortion a "negative right" or a "positive right"? 1 year ago:
Thank you! This is a great response. The only thing I would add as a response is that the laws are not only punishing women who have consensual sex, just those who have had a penis in them in general. Proving it wasn’t consensual is a long and arduous process which can lead to career, legal, and social issues even if found true in court.
- Comment on Is the right to abortion a "negative right" or a "positive right"? 1 year ago:
That’s an interesting take. Unfortunately, brains are considered ‘fully developed’ at 24 weeks of pregnancy. Since most abortions are done well before that, the analogy doesn’t quite match. A more apt analogy would be to give your kidney to a brain dead person who may never recover/survive and if they don’t recover but do survive even with your best attempts then you are responsible for them for the rest of their lives.
Because an abortion, most frequently embryos not fetuses, are unable to support themselves as beings. A similar situation would be how unplugging a machine keeping someone alive isn’t considered murder because they would otherwise be dead. Except instead of a machine it’s a person. And they are being forced to not only support this person for 9 months but the rest of their lives, regardless of if the person is capable emotionally/physically/financially.
It should also be noted: in 2001, Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago and John Donohue of Yale University argued, citing their research and earlier studies, that children who are unwanted or whose parents cannot support them are likelier to become criminals.
- Comment on Can willpower be trained ? 1 year ago:
I think it depends on the willpower.
For exercise or implement something into routine, learning how to encourage yourself is key (at least it is for me). If you want to exercise every day, do something you like at the same time, and only let yourself do the thing you like while exercising. For me it’s certain tv/YouTube shows and podcasts. Sometimes I’ll blast music I love while doing cardio.
If you want the willpower not to eat unhealthy, try balancing what you want with what you have. There are two posts to this: keeping what you have limited for things unhealthy, like not having sweets around, and having small treats for yourself that you can consume a little of regularly. Having a small cookie each day that you bake fresh from cookie dough in your fridge may be enough reward for not eating nachos for lunch.
Persistence and routine are also important. If you don’t exercise regularly, you will often find yourself slipping back to where you started. If you don’t give some thought to your diet and what you are eating, you will skip back into old habits. Creating a habit you want to form and sticking to it is key. I will suggest start slow with whatever habit you choose. Make small obtainable changes over time, otherwise you may find the dramatic shift in lifestyle jarring, and your ‘cheat days’ will be a bigger step back.