- Comment on He's just eccentric 2 days ago:
Ok, but it is no secret that there are people with autism that have severe difficulties with basically every task, while there are autistic people who can live their lives with manageable symptoms, and then there are autistic people who have talents neurotypical people can only dream of. I would not call them levels, but there must be a system to discern between those groups, and if it isn’t one that is quick and easy, it will probably not be used by the large majority of people. I know that Asperger’s is not ok anymore to use, but every other system will have to discern the 3 different groups, or am I mistaken?
- Comment on Games can no longer use virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases in the European Union 5 days ago:
and illegal.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
i run nobara (a fedora spinoff) for a few months now, and it’s a great experience, i learn a lot about how the os works and it’s all visible! i feel like i modded my pc into a transparent machine - i can read up about simply every part of the os. i freakin love it :-D and all this while i can use it as before.
my last experience with linux was debian jessie - i was not so happy with that, and after i landed in dependency hell for the first time, i switched back. nowadays, with flatpaks and appimages, all those issues i was having in normal operation are gone.
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Keep the t-shirt artwork flowing!
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on This fucking bot is still out there messaging 3 weeks ago:
i actually made an account a few weeks back just to take a look at it
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 4 weeks ago:
literally how traditions work
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
There is a wealth of resources regarding sexuality and thematics for adolescents in general available here: www.youmo.se/en/
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
thanks, i wanted to comment something similar - training is necessary, and i would have been very pleased if someone told me that condoms are not a “one size fits all”-thing at all
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
if it’s non-linear, maybe a reincarnation in a parallel universe without those grifters would be to your taste?
- Comment on Anon stops showering 4 weeks ago:
i suspected that this image would pop up below that post. i’m not looking at that again lol
- Comment on Anon remembers summer 5 weeks ago:
now that you mention it, i am similar to you; i cannot remember shit. i remember singular moments that are burned in, and the rest is like i watched a movie at 10x speed, like a smear. my childhood was traumatic too. my memories get clearer at about 21, but it’s still just singular moments and the rest is like a blank.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 5 weeks ago:
damn, they should just listen to the Nier Automata and weep silently
- Comment on brain blowing orgasms 5 weeks ago:
It is definitely more successful than the previous strategy in one of the ancestors was (or else it wouldn’t have been selected for), and mutations that reduce the dementia and allow for more reproductive cycles seen to negatively influence reproduction in either fitness or number of the offspring or chance of successful reproduction, so the trait persists.
Since this is a numbers game, even miniscule differences in reproductive success (which isn’t clearly measurable in the wild) have a large impact on genetic drift.
Since the origin of the current behavior lies in the past, it might not be possible to see what evolutionary pressure induced the behavior in the first place.
- Comment on Mod of a similar comm to one I started deleted my advertising post, now downvotes half the stuff I post in my comm 1 month ago:
sounds like !yepowertrippinbastards@lemmy.dbzer0.com would be a good place for you rn ;-)
- Comment on Anon tries to sleep 1 month ago:
Mirtazapine made me eat everything i could possibly get my hands on, never again
- Comment on Day 192 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
I remember playing this a few years ago on my pc, it was really fun, good to see you enjoying it too :-) I remember expecting it to be utter trash, since most games based on movie licences are, but was positively surprised.
- Comment on Resident Evil 2 remake has sold fewer than 10,000 copies on iOS, estimates suggest 2 months ago:
I fully agree and just wand to add my suspicion that people in the Apple ecosystem are a pretty tough crowd to sell a Resident Evil title to begin with. Most gamers I know would never buy an Apple PC if they have a choice, and the overlap between “serious” gaming and Android is probably a lot stronger.
(I hear a faint echo of “Don’t you guys have phones?” in this.)
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Brainrotten daddy has forgotten that there are no more votes to be held, smh my head
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I’m austrian, and i have seen better nazi salutes by drunk edgy teenagers in the 90s. Are you americans in here sure he actually knows how a nazi salute should look like or do all of the Y’all Quaeda first grip their steroid induced mantits before they half-dab?
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 2 months ago:
But if I watched TV every evening for 2 hours before sleep, and don’t share that on a first date, would that still be “deceptive”? Well, a lot of people would say thats harldy shareworthy at all. But if it’s Minecraft it suddendly is?
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 2 months ago:
dude, nothing wrong with playing 2 hours of vidya per day if it’s balanced out, thats about 12% of the available time of a day if you sleep 8 hours.
I don’t get it why gaming still has so much pushback. If he said he watches one overlength movie every day in the evening, there wouldn’t be any discussion here 🙄
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
Removing / migitating sources of stress and anxiety. I was known at work for my regular expression of anger, and if it wasn’t that it was sarcasm. Had a 3 month rehab after crashing really hard, and the “observers view” of my life at home made me see what had to change. Similar progress could be made with a good therapist, will take more time tho.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 2 months ago:
the first corporate war probably
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 months ago:
and even if its the companys fault - in principle never, but just to be sure - you have to go through forced arbitration
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Simulacra together with my wife :-)
- Comment on Makes more sense than the Imperial system 3 months ago:
I just want to add regarding the “common people, everyday life” stuff: the common people in the rest of the world just use metric in everyday life (with the precision that is useful for the context, body height is normally communicated in 10cm steps - 160, 170, 180 and so on), and it has the additional benefit that the rest of the world still knows what the fuck we are talking about.
- Comment on Why are $70 AAA games slashing prices so drastically? 3 months ago:
@zer0squar3d@lemmy.dbzer0.com This is the curator I use
- Comment on Chrome’s New War: Killing Ad Blockers 3 months ago:
yes, but ublock gets its blocklists from an external address, which cannot be done with manifest v3. and updating the extension is something that can take weeks until approved, while google could just outmaneuver ublock.
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 months ago:
for the longest time, i did know that game theory did not have anything to do with “games” and that it is somehow connected to the prisoners dilemma, but the concept as such wasn’t very clear to me. If you are like my former me, take 30 minutes out of your day and visit ncase.me/trust/ to learn and play around with game theory; it’s a great webpage and it’s pretty good fun all around.