Other accounts:
- Comment on Why do I need to update my graphics drivers? 7 months ago:
Congratulations, maybe you're already using my trick then. Not sure what your comment was meant to add.
From Windows 10 on, the default is to automatically restart when you're not using it, which can be annoying if you've got a complex workspace going and then everything gets closed overnight
- Comment on Why do I need to update my graphics drivers? 7 months ago:
You can pause Windows update for a little over a month at a time so that you're not surprised by any automatic restarts, FYI
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 7 months ago:
I hope you're having your head checked!
- Comment on Anon goes out with friends 7 months ago:
That pizza guy's name? Albert Einstein
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
That sounds like a really bad idea to me, but you do you I guess.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
It's a turn of phrase, but I appreciate the pedantry.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
There isn't really anything "extra" you can do at home that you aren't already supposed to be doing to maintain those mouth bones.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
Shop around, you can frequently get discounts or cheaper rates if you tell them you're uninsured / self pay. I've had to do this during tough financial times.
There may also be some luxuries or other corners you can safely cut if you go over your budget with a fine toothed comb.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
Disclaimer: This is not personal medical/dental advice, just my own understanding that I'm sharing.
Floss (or water pick) first, then mouthwash, then brush, then don't rinse.
Floss to open up the gums and knock loose anything stuck in between teeth.
Mouthwash to get rid of the solids and get a bit of fluoride in between teeth.
Brushing after mouthwash, because toothpaste typically has a much higher concentration of fluroide than mouthwash does.
And avoid rinsing after brushing so you don't wash away the residual fluoride from the toothpaste. - Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
The only thing I added was the first parenthetical to clarify that "dead name" was the term for the former name.
Reading "the former name of a (typically trans) person" as "the name of a deceased trans person" is still on you :/
- Comment on Anon faces his greatest challenge 7 months ago:
Anon needs a dehumidifier
Second Anon needs to actually eat vegetables
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
I did not edit my comment. Why are you lying?
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
Intentionally using the former name ("dead name") of a (typically trans) person with the intent to cause harm
- Comment on I'm in a promo loyalty program to receive text messages and to read their message, I need to download their app 8 months ago:
FYI, you probably want to make sure to use a solid pen instead of a highlighter next time you censor information. It's probably not super impactful in this case because it's from a SMS service, but the phone number at the top of the image is plainly legible.
- Comment on Stoke-on-Trent couple fined £1,200 after clearing up rubbish 8 months ago:
definitely didn't read this as stroke-on-tent and assume they were up to something less wholesome
- Comment on Ummm... What? 8 months ago:
- Comment on Ayo wtf my muhfuggin BATH suppose to taste like 8 months ago:
Yeah, it's correct. "add x to taste" has always been shorthand for "add x to suit your personal tastes"
- Comment on The interior of your house is hot, the exterior cool. What would the most efficient orientation be for a box fan? Pushing hot air out of a window or pulling cool air in through it? 8 months ago:
do you happen to know whether this is significantly different for a blower-style fan that has its air intake on one side? for example
- Comment on Why is it impossible to reverse-engineer closed source software? 8 months ago:
My apologies for preaching to the choir. (And I didn't notice your username when I wrote that, LOL. Happy accident.)
- Comment on Why is it impossible to reverse-engineer closed source software? 8 months ago:
You might actually consider dipping your toes into trying to learn how to analyze/reverse those yourself. Relatively speaking, software that old can sometimes be easier to reverse.
- Comment on Next Gen Console Leak 8 months ago:
From the gloss, I think it's actually a cookie tin or something in the shape of the Nintendo "racetrack" logo.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
You don't need to quote things when you are the one thinking them.
- Comment on Beaks 8 months ago:
Setting up and then subverting expectations is a core tenet of comedy!
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
You should get your oxygen saturation checked, pretty sure you're slowly suffocating your brain cells passively by existing
- Comment on Anon meets his brother 8 months ago:
That's 4chan for you.
- Comment on confusing love 8 months ago:
A banana
- Comment on She thirsty, not hungry 8 months ago:
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Yeah Domino's is one of those places that the price with a coupon, is the regular price. And the food's not terribly worth it even then IMO.
- Comment on The Disturbing Truth About Hair Relaxers | They’ve been linked to reproductive disorders and cancers. Why are they still being marketed so aggressively to Black women? 9 months ago:
The European Union regulates more than 1,300 ingredients for use in cosmetics; the F.D.A. prohibits or restricts only nine ingredients that have been proved harmful to human health. [...] In fact, hair relaxers marketed to children in the United States have been found to contain the highest levels of five of the chemicals prohibited in the European Union.
for fuck's sake
- Comment on So you're saying if I put shoes on my dog... 9 months ago:
There's room on the sign for commas >:(