Solution: dump it in the gardens of the local councilors.
Stoke-on-Trent couple fined £1,200 after clearing up rubbish
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
That’s a big oof, and I feel really sorry for them.
Area has a rubbish problem. Council considers it fly tipping.
Someone tries to help by arranging it, Council now has a name for the fly-tipping, sends the fine, problem “solved”. I’ve often worried when reporting fly tips in the past, that my council will just use me as the closest thing they have to a lead!The lesson is, I guess, if you’re going to do this, take it to the tip.
Readers will be pleased to see that their gofundme is now standing at £1800!
I thought about chipping in a tenner, but apparently gofundme sends your real name to the fundraisers, which is a bit uncomfortable for 7 months ago
Agreed, but rather than take it to the tip (and therefore have to pay fees to dump anyway) just don’t put your name on the box. Be the anonymous hero that the council needs, but very much does not deserve.
So glad to hear their fundraising outstripped the fines! If council won’t reward them (as they so obviously should have), I’m glad that the people rallied to do so. 7 months ago
Councillor:“That’ll teach 'em, bet they won’t do it again.” 7 months ago
TIL you call illegal dumping “fly tipping” in the UK. 7 months ago
You call crossing the street jaywalking so let’s not throw stones 🤣 7 months ago
definitely didn't read this as stroke-on-tent and assume they were up to something less wholesome 7 months ago
So while I personally disagree with the fine, technically they were fly tipping as they added their box to the rubbish which included their address.
Yes it is seemingly petty and the council are now PR wise idiots for enforcing the fine, but legally it is pretty clear cut. The council would have to take it on trust that the rest of the rubbish wasn’t theirs and wave the fine, and why would they believe them? We all believe them because its in a BBC article and they kicked up a fuss, and publicised it.
Its one of those stories which isn’t quite as clear cut as it first seems. 7 months ago
Leaving it in a box with your name (and presumably address) on it wasn’t a smart move 7 months ago
You’re totally right, but I wish we lived in a world where leaving your name on that box would lead to a reward rather than a punishment. I can’t understand a council wanting to not only fail to incentivise, but actively disincentivise works of public good, except that it gave them an opportunity to extract more revenue. It’s a really, really sad state of affairs. 7 months ago
oops, i dropped this link well, dont wanna risk picking it up and getting a fine 7 months ago
We need good citizen protections, an extension of the laws used when providing aid that shield from liability, similar rules should exist to protect people who improve their local area.
It’s bad enough the council won’t do anything about the problems but evil they punish others for trying. 7 months ago
Allow an animal to be come sick and injured, no punishment. Rescue an animal that is sick and injured and needs care, go to jail.