- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
World of Sisters it’s a hentai game!
- Comment on Aaaaah 7 months ago:
Well in my case I have those the next dai after drinking a lot of beer. I found out that I get them due to dehydration.
- Comment on Jump! 8 months ago:
- Comment on No problems here 8 months ago:
You either get Horizon Zero Down or replicators from Star Gate
- Comment on No problems here 8 months ago:
Has no one played Horizon Zero Dawn?
- Comment on toxic 9 months ago:
This is a Doctor Who referenced
- Comment on Lmao this one hurts 9 months ago:
Well benefit for minorities are a thing but no if you can’t land a job it’s your own fault!
- Comment on The future shines like gold 9 months ago:
The library of Alexandria would have some things to say about this!
- Comment on Seems awfully dangerous 9 months ago:
We know and that’s why most of us that care about our life we drive slow as well as stop even if it’s a green light the rest well let’s hope they have good luck or don’t depending on what you wish for them!
- Comment on Sad 10 months ago:
Pretty sure if we can make a sun we will be able to stop this one from exploding or we will have a way to absorb the insane amount of energy generated from that explosion without any damage to anything in our solar sistem. To be fair that’s a long time, if we still exist at that point I expect our technology to be so advanced that we would be literally god’s. To be fair with our current understanding of physics it seems impossible for such technology to ever exist but a few hundred years ago cars and phones were also impossible and any technology advancements were seen as sorcery. So who know what we might learn that could change everything on the future!
- Comment on Sad 10 months ago:
There is nothing we can do yet, 5 billion years is a long time and this can go on of 2 ways, either we die due to a mass examination event by then or our since evolve so much that we can actually create suns by that point!
- Comment on trapped! 10 months ago:
New fear unlocked thx!
- Comment on Not only are they watching you, they're judging you. 10 months ago:
I would not care and I tell you why, I did not understood why the same thing was written twice I had to read the title again in order to pay mor attention and realize what the problem was !!!
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
Well can’t say they are wrong pretty sure my body is against what I think especially when it comes to health :))
- Comment on money 11 months ago:
Probably becaus he is not a frog dealer!
- Comment on Forbidden cats 11 months ago:
I know but I also saw how dumb people can be and due to that I want to point it out as it might enlighten some people
- Comment on Forbidden cats 11 months ago:
Pretty sure none of those are from the Felidae family!
- Comment on 11 months ago:
Neah, that’s not due to Reddit, that’s just your average sport fan!
- Comment on car insurance 11 months ago:
If this is real, this guy should not have a driver’s license anymore, he’s a menace on the road. Sorry my dude but I hope your insurance prices goes as high as heaven cause you should not have a car!
- Comment on Cow 11 months ago:
Did not care
- Comment on Cow 11 months ago:
For the sake of the human race I hope this is a kid or a troll cause otherwise I lost all faith in us as a species
- Comment on Nail Scissor Packaging you need Scissors to open 11 months ago:
Doubt it because how would people cook if that was true!
- Comment on Nail Scissor Packaging you need Scissors to open 1 year ago:
The scissors are used in this context to show that you should cut it open from there in my opinion.
- Comment on Nail Scissor Packaging you need Scissors to open 1 year ago:
You went a little far with that, knife everyone has on at home
- Comment on Nail Scissor Packaging you need Scissors to open 1 year ago:
Pretty sure it does not specify with what to cut. Scissor are always used to depict cutting action, my point is you can use something else to cut that package
- Comment on I too want to know 1 year ago:
To be fair I’m 32 years old and never used tiktok. When I first hear about Ramadan I thought it was some Indian dance, that was a few years back. I know now that is some religious thing but I have no idea what it is other then that!
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 1 year ago:
Depends, do you mean the ones that are on Steam or others too?
Also it depends of what you are interested in, in my case those are ones that I consider the best out there (those ones are in no particular order):
Summertime Saga Love & Sex Second Base Another Chance Paradise Lust A Town Uncovered Four Elements Trainer Witch Hunter Insexual Awakening SexNote Imouto! Life ~Fantasy~ Quickie: A Love Hotel Story LonaRPG Teaching Feeling Breeding Farm Out of touch
But in my case I like those for stats management and stuff like that.
For story what I would recommend is (those are in order from best to last): Out of Touch! Love & Sex Second Base Summertime Saga Paradise Lust
For RPG puzzle and 3D as well as a very good story I recommend: Lust Epidemic Treasures of Nadia The Genesis Order In exactly the order I said them as they are part of the same story!
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 1 year ago:
To be fair I don’t really like any os that is out there right now but I don’t have an option that I would really like. I have a Mac as my work laptop my pc runs both Windows 10 and Manjaro. I also have a Steam Deck and a Rog Ally. Frankly I have complaints and issues for each OS and use each of them for different task and things. My point is I don’t really like any of them but from all of those choices Linux is kinda the lesser evil. If there was a way better option like a forth os that everything works, all apps would be compatible with it, it would be less of a hassle and not spy on me and especially not force updates on me or crush do to multiple reasons including the forced updates then sign me up cause I would switch to it in a heartbeat.
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 1 year ago:
I’m of the same sentiment but I don’t judge people that pay for porn, after all without them paying for it there would be no money in the porn industry so as a consequence no porn either. Simply put I will never pay for porn but I’m glad that others do so I can feed my addiction.
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 1 year ago:
Don’t know what to tell you man, frankly the amount of effort you have to put up during sex not to mention the amount of nagging you have to put up with in order to get sex kinda is off-putting to me or more specifically it’s at 50/50 but I do sometimes prefer to masturbate rather then have sex due to what I mentioned above.