- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 2 weeks ago:
/\ /
(4._.4) - Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 2 weeks ago:
fake: The books forgot Hermiones buck teeth gay: Harry doesn’t find Emma Watson attractive.
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
it’s called context switching, within 4chan the r-word is an honorific rather than a slur.
- Comment on Anon checks in on their bully 1 month ago:
Anon would be fine if his big strong bully was into men.
- Comment on Anon memes 2 months ago:
also one of phillip k. dicks books (probably)
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 2 months ago:
Yeah, people can get upset about this kind of thing.
14 yr olds triply so.
- Comment on Supportive dad 5 months ago:
whilst this is what being transgender ‘is’, that doesn’t stop idiots from socially or medically transitioning for poor reasons.
- Comment on 2 life pro tips in one meme! 5 months ago:
what if my boss is a mere hectomillionaire?
- Comment on Anon explains the 2nd amendment 5 months ago:
So MAGA is not the side I would take in a civil war, even if I were an American, however: “Experience has shown that attacks against tanks with close combat weapons by a sufficiently determined man will basically always succeed.”
Look at the early stages of the Ukraine war Russia had in many heavy equipment categories a 5:1 superiority, Ukraine had comparitively few Tanks/AFVs/Aircrafts/Artillery/etc… yet still held it’s own in no small part due to trenchlines of conventional boot-on-floor infantry men, mines, cheap drones, shoulder launched atgms and good motivation/organisation.
- Comment on At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars 5 months ago:
You can get space anyway, Lonnie’s death literally could’ve been prevented with a $20 ratchet strap. Workplace safety is not an obstacle to competitive industry, it’s just an inexplicable pet peeve of Elons
- Comment on Anon checks out politics on reddit 5 months ago:
be genociding liberals instead! #votebluenomatterwho
- Comment on Anon doesn't like Shrek 6 months ago:
How do you choose to compensate out of interest (asking for a friend.)
- Comment on This kills the christian 6 months ago:
Let’s not forgot the Agnus Dei!
- Comment on This kills the christian 6 months ago:
Eh, ain’t ego if it’s true.
Ok but the church uses the gold for cool hats and missions to Africa, they don’t fire it into space.
To be fair, he also destroys people for obeying him.
To be fair, half of those people were furries.
Yea I got nothing.
Dude spent T = -Inf to T = 0 not eating, mans allowed a snack
He’ll get to it^tm^
- Comment on Anon wants American companies to make a good RPG 6 months ago:
I feel like most people actually don’t care that much about Continental Boundries to give an Argument either way.
- Comment on Anon builds a fire pit 6 months ago:
Anon is also autistic. (Genetics are a bitch)
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 7 months ago:
Guardians of the Galaxy was only ten years ago mate.
(/s mostly)
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 7 months ago:
As in like roleplay? Or is the information asymmetry still a thing in your brain?
- Comment on We unleashed Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms on blank accounts. They served up sexism and misogyny 7 months ago:
We scrolled through the feed every couple of weeks to check what was being served up.
This is a critical flaw in the studies methodology. ‘loiter time’ is a metric used by algorithms to serve up new content, if the researchers where checking each post for signs of misogyny, then they were probably skipping by totally innocucus stuff whilst paying attention to misogyny. This (beening the only feedback) will have shown the researchers what they wanted to see.
Three months later, The Office, Star Wars, and now The Boys memes continue to punctuate the feed, now interspersed with highly sexist and misogynistic images that have have appeared in the feed without any input from the user.
It’d be good to know the actual ratios, given this was a guardian study there’s no reason to withhold data, nor a secondary source I can go and find the data. It’s possible that Facebook is simply serving up the entire spectrum of posts proportionately to their activity on the internet, or even favouring anti-sexist posts that are just not noticed/mentioned by the guardian.
Does anyone genuinely believe banning this sorta stuff is going to “end violence against women and children in one generation.”
- Comment on Anon is asking the difficult questions 7 months ago:
why isn’t alcoholism an interest?
- Comment on Anon is an anthropologist 7 months ago:
This actually depends on your stance on oriental man-carrying kites, which have historical backing from the 6th century AD, but historians debate the exact standards of evidence.
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago:
The truth is darker: For everybody who talks about the silly stuff there are two who don’t, you just don’t hear them cuz they ain’t talking. Source: Closeted Quacko
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago: is ‘active’ though pretty sure it’s just mirroring reddit.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
but does your buff friend ever post on fourchan?
- Comment on Anon catches his wife 9 months ago:
wholeheartedly support everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. what about the lone gay? the pan-sexiled? the lesbianned from all nearby coffee-shops? Why do you only support the gays with social capital sufficient to be part of the communitiy?
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
Maybe you should seek vengance? It’s much cheaper.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
how to reinvent the ninetendo DS in five easy steps.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 year ago:
“Work is only like 2-3 hours out of the 8 hour day”
I.e. Top comment cannot read.
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
I mean, SSRI’s are sometimes known to permantantly fix the brains serotonin levels after a limited period of application, so it might’ve still been the drugs (Or a combination of both).
Cool that you’re doing good, tho.
^why is always the furries with the high paying job…^