- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
This part made me think you were saying that was an investment, sorry I misunderstood
So my bank is giving me money each month for doing nothing really
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
Sorry links to this site don’t seem to work here
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
Italy too, pretty much everyone that is know wears shoes indoors.
Australia, it’s a bit more normal to ask if shoes should come off when visiting someone, as that might be their thing.
Not just america
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
How long is a piece of string?
Depends on how much you earn, what are your expenses, and how much you have saved already.
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
You are barely keeping up with inflation, don’t think that’s an investment. That said, you are doing the right thing, keep that money available if needed.
Everything on top of 6 months expenses, you should invest in something less liquid that on the long term yields decent returns.
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
You seem to be in a very unique situation. And to have a pretty good understanding of personal finance and of your risk appetite. What you say works for you and a few people that happen to have access to universal healthcare, what looks like for separate insurance policies, and that can manage not to fuck it up with credit cards.
6 months liquid emergency fund remains the best strategy for most people out there that can afford it.
- Comment on I'm working on it, ok? 11 months ago:
Would certainly suck if those six months worth of emergency fund had temporarily gone down to four months because of a downturn in the stock market though.
Accidentally there might also be some correlation with stock markets going down, and an emergency happening. Eg large company laying staff off.
That said you can do the math and see how much that money would return on average on etfs compared to a bank account, and decide if that’s worth the risk to you.
Experts say no, I agree with them but I see your point, and it’s definitely worth to challenge these suggestions.
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
Really hard to play ball. Really is this the best defence for manicured lawns?
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
And the fucking noise from lawnmowers and whipper snippers all day long.
I’d like to relax and read a book outside, on my messy lawn but all my neighbours do is come outside, make noise for a couple of hours and once they have a ‘perfect’ lawn they fucking go back inside.
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
Get more native plants. Take rid of dogs. Get chickens.
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
- Comment on Anon has a power fantasy 11 months ago:
There are other things you don’t know obviously, among them the amount of time it takes to build a power plant, the insane amount of money it costs to build it, and the actual running costs!
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
Fuck me we did those conversions in primary school in Italy in the eighties. Can’t remember what year exactly but we were prolly 7yo?
- Comment on Not buying a shaver from Philips again.. 11 months ago:
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
a whole lot of programmers would have had to go out of their way to be really, really bad at their jobs.
You don’t spend much time around them, do you?
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 11 months ago:
It is botulism.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
Only if you are from the US. Everyone else is just nodding, thinking about time someone said that, and moving on
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
It’s selsius
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
How can you manage to spell Fahrenheit right but Celsius wrong?
- Comment on This is way too expensive for a drink. 1 year ago:
I have an Italian name!
- Comment on This is way too expensive for a drink. 1 year ago:
What’s a fancy coffee drink?
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
I don’t see how this is giving up though. Been doing this to close to two decades in one form of another and I wouldn’t consider any other way. Except kodi instead of plexus here.
- Comment on Just a normal day 1 year ago:
Koalas carry chlamydia. Tasmanian tigers have face cancer. Drop bears give you super aids, but it doesn’t matter because they have already killed you by the time you are having sex.
- Comment on Just a normal day 1 year ago:
European transplanted in Australia. Spend time in the outdoors and occasionaencounter snakes most if them hate humans, make some noise before taking that shit (and during) and they will stay away. Easiest way to get bitten is to catch one by surprise and stop on it.
A hungry bear on the other hand…
- Comment on Just a normal day 1 year ago:
Every time I watch Alone or other shows I am so glad I live in Oz. I can go camping and not get stomped/mauled in my sleep by a huge mammal! You can deal with spiders and snakes no problem, particularly in your sleep but a hungry bear or a wolf? That would put me off sleeping outdoors
- Comment on Just a normal day 1 year ago:
I have let huntsman live in my house all my time in Oz! Only rules of engagement are not in the bedroom and stay high up on the wall/ceiling (they do that anyway). I’ve shared my living room with some of them for months at a time, they love watching movie with us.
Now we have infants around. Unfortunately when found inside they get humanly captured and released in the backyard.
- Comment on What do mean things so small we can't see them with the human eye? Are you crazy? 1 year ago:
Please continue
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah it’s also a hassle to have to deal with millions of single use plastic straws going in the landfill every week.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
No idea, not in the US, we don’t have Wendy. Also in the rare occasion I do order a coke once or twice a year I’ll take a can not a fucking barrel.
I also have sensitive teeth and stay away from ice cold drinks myself, it doesn’t have to be piss warm don’t you have anything in between over there? Fridge cold, take a sip and enjoy it slowly, pace yourself. Is plastic straws really the only solution, and is funally taking rid of them going to be the end of the world?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Have you considered avoiding ice cold drinks?