- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
I also did some napkin math on it and got a very different number. I don’t have the game so I saw people reporting the game is 150GB on PC. CDs can store up to 700MB of data, so (150 x 1024) / 700 ≈ 219.4 but we can round that up to 220. The standard CD is 1.2mm in thickness, so 220 x 1.2mm = 264mm which is a quarter of a meter.
I’m curious how my result differed from yours.
- Comment on Arrowhead initially planned to make Helldivers 2 in 3 years—instead it took 7 years, 11 months, and 26 days 9 months ago:
I haven’t played in a week or two but I’m pretty sure that certain stratagems can deform the terrain, like the 500kg.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
Eh, at least as far as the combat goes I liked doing the Net Runner thing, hacking cameras left and right, and killing off enemies before they ever saw me. That being said I put the game down when it became too much of a chore to get much anything upgraded. My combat style may have been suboptimal but I had fun with it.
I also didn’t have any issues with bugs or graphical issues, but I also first played it pretty far into it’s life after they could fix plenty of things. Don’t remember exactly when it was, but it was after the anime was no longer super relevant but before that big 2.0 update. I also know I played using some mods, and I can’t remember if there was a mod that fixed a bunch of issues.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 10 months ago:
From what I’ve heard Valve is already refunding most everyone who asks for a refund given this controversy.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
One of my friends made the mistake of linking his PSN account right when he started playing Helldivers 2 then shortly found he was banned from the game. After he did some digging, he found his PSN account was banned for “suspicious activities” despite having not used it in over a year. After even more digging he eventually finds out it was because when they kept charging him for their premium service and he was trying to cancel it, they wouldn’t remove his payment information. He checked multiple times with them and they said they did.
Next payment period rolls around and they charge him for another year of service all the same. He tries to get it refunded, he talks to them about how they said they removed the payment info and it’s nothing but “well there’s nothing we can do about it now” type bullshit. So he goes to his bank and did a charge back on the annual fee, since they keep insisting it’s impossible. Wouldn’t ya know it suddenly it’s very easy to remove his payment info, cancel that premium service, and take care of everything.
All of this was done about a year prior, and he left his account untouched since fuck Sony and PlayStation at that point. I guess they waited until his account was active again being used for a game for them to suddenly realize they really don’t like his charge back and deactivate his account entirely, blocking access to everything linked to it, including Helldivers 2.
- Comment on Can we talk about FF7 - Rebirth? 11 months ago:
It sounds like how you feel about Rebirth is pretty similar to how I felt about Remake having played the original several times. Not going to say you couldn’t or shouldn’t have enjoyed it, but there were a ton of story bits and minigames that frustrated the hell out of me.
- Comment on I got to play Terra Nil, and here is my two cents on it 1 year ago:
I just wish that’s how the devs advertised it. The idea of a reverse city builder sounds good, but if they’re going to sell an environmentalism themed puzzle game then just call it that.