- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
Don’t forget blueberry. You have to be able to taste a hint of blueberry. Did you taste blueberry? Because if not, your extraction process has gone horribly wrong, you’ve bought the wrong beans, you’re using the wrong water,and you probably bloomed for 32 seconds instead of 29.6.
- Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 6 months ago:
The left one has all the classic symptoms of crappy AI. The right one…well, that’s pretty good.
- Comment on pringles 6 months ago:
If by deliberate you mean the sprayers that spray all the artificial flavors, liquefied added nutrients, and related shit are on top of the “chip” as it moves down a conveyor, then sure I guess it’s deliberate.
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
with a woman in her 70’s
Do these conditions have anything to do with a person’s ability to identify mushrooms
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Why not, if you keep paying?
- Comment on Because only women are worried about becoming step-parents? (This prolly could've been an Ask Lemmy.) 10 months ago:
I’ll save you $10. This book says to stay calm, and use humor, and repeats that 582 times.
- Comment on land shrimp 10 months ago:
Yea I guess I’m one of the few that hate to see even bugs suffer.
- Comment on They just suffered a sudden death, that's all 11 months ago:
People will tend to look for logic and patterns in the most senseless and chaotic of actions. We have no idea if he suffered from depression, was bipolar, had debts, or some serious health issues. People feel more in control when they can attach some nefarious (read: controlled) cause.
- Comment on ‘The Office’: Greg Daniels Opening Development Room To Explore New Series Ideas 1 year ago:
By “exploring ideas” you mean watching good British shows and remaking them.
- Comment on Today is the 21st Anniversary of Trogdor the Burninator. 1 year ago:
Twenty…one …years. My god. I think I’ve been telling myself I should check if there’s something new on homestarrunner every day for 20 years and thinking I’ll get to it tomorrow.
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
This is such a weird urban myth.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
Nah, this has been going on for years.
- Comment on Amazon shows ‘contempt’ for UK law over parcel thefts 1 year ago:
You are missing something. The article quotes the police:
“Police Scotland told me that, since the courier’s contract is with Amazon, no crime has been committed against me and I should get Amazon to sort it out,” she said.
- Comment on Blueberry milkshakes 1 year ago:
they don’t have an advanced enough brain
So that makes it okay to torture them.
- Comment on Here's a historical reference for any history buffs out there. 1 year ago:
I like how everyone is just ignoring this part:
However, Ctesias’s credibility is questionable due to his reputation for fanciful and exaggerated narratives.
- Comment on Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane? 1 year ago:
Scooters are fine with me. What I can’t stand are boneheaded joggers thinking the bike lane is some extension of the sidewalk.