- Comment on "Morbidly Wealthy": The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405b to $869b since 2020—at a rate of $14m/hr—while nearly five billion people have been made poorer 1 year ago:
Ok, so … Biden’s economic policies are worse than Trump’s were?
- Comment on "Morbidly Wealthy": The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405b to $869b since 2020—at a rate of $14m/hr—while nearly five billion people have been made poorer 1 year ago:
And that’s not how any of this works at all.
- Comment on What difficult games/game challenges did you give up on? 1 year ago:
I mehhed out on Outer Wilds at Brittle Hollow and Hourglass Twins.
- Comment on Fellow landchads of Lemmy. Don't you hate when this happens? 1 year ago:
Just mail the child to Effrey Jepstein and you’ll get your lost rent money back.
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
Yeah, I hate also that those things are equated. I mean perhaps the actual elite are more often rich than others, but there definitely exist plenty of non-elite rich people.
- Comment on China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent. 1 year ago:
I think the comparison to cocaine is apt. Therefore I find it increasingly odd how parents purchase their children cocaine-delivery mechanisms, and how society deems all this completely legal.
- Comment on China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent. 1 year ago:
What’s predatory about this? This seems like the least forced purchase in the world – nobody needs the things they’re selling.
- Comment on Be more open-minded! 1 year ago:
As an 80s kid, before I learned few things about how the world works, fear was very much one of the top feelings I got when near guys I knew were gay.
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
Dynamic typing cannot work.
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
Sure thing! GTA 5 average game time was 52h (main+extras), so its price is then about $1 per hour.
Have fun implementing the payment system that reliably measures and bills this, internationally!
- Comment on apple users in a nutshell 1 year ago:
Well, obiviously not. I’m pretty thirsty for anything better, so the day that happens I’ll drop Apple in an instant.
- Comment on apple users in a nutshell 1 year ago:
I transitioned into an Apple user a few generations ago and things are so much better on this side of the fence.
Comic’s still funny though.
- Comment on Weird 🤔 1 year ago:
Being on an instance that has defederated the communist duo helps a lot.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
I’m not looking for glory, but I have a weird (probably unscientific) thought that if I don’t take a fever-lowering med, it makes the sickness go away faster. Because there’s a good reason why my body is doing that.
- Comment on Is Kim Kardashian a princess? 1 year ago:
That’s an amazing question.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t call it antisemitic necessarily. Just dumb.
- Comment on LPT: Never get a tattoo in a language that you don't understand 1 year ago:
- Comment on The games industry sucks 1 year ago:
who cares as long as the numbers go up for a bit
Ironically, that’s the motivation with which I play many games.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
It’s a religion (or a cult, really) because of its faith-based arguments, not because of how others react to it.
- Comment on Shout out to my fellow caffeine addicts. 1 year ago:
Drink me!
So I can save you.
From what?
From what I’m going to do to you if you don’t drink me.
- Comment on Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll 1 year ago:
Yeah, probably quite easy.…/E7EEC586335D0D499D6A88AA05D3915C
But I guess this partially shows that at least some psychologists are on top of the problem.
- Comment on Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll 1 year ago:
How does getting chronically depressed a decade before one even gets the power to change anything help?
- Comment on Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll 1 year ago:
Yeah, the problem is the people being abused on the internet, not the people doing the abusing. They just need to not be on the internet, so they won’t get abused!
Come on, the Internet has plenty of stuff that makes one depressed without any need to get abused or even communicate with anyone.
You’re so smart.
Well, it’s all relative. Compared to you, for instance, certainly.
- Comment on Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll 1 year ago:
This one is easy: It’s because they’re using the internet too much.
- Comment on Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC' 1 year ago:
Everything time this dude opens his mouth, I get an urge to wear an eyepatch.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
You’re getting down voted for expressing legitimate concerns, and nobody is giving reasons why they disagree with you. I thought we left this kind of interaction behind with reddit.
Settings => Show scores => disable ftw :)
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
So he calls essentially for a 25% raise across the board for everybody. In some fields this doesn’t matter much. Office workers will probably achieve just as much or in some cases perhaps more in 32 hours than in 40 hours. Some other fields, perhaps less so.
If this would happen, it would directly lead to increased unemployment in some fields.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago: