- Comment on Anon starts talking to a girl 6 days ago:
I don’t think they did. The bar is pretty low and still apply if you’re poor or rich.
No need to bring incell culture here.
- Comment on Religion 2 months ago:
I mean Americans do a lot of dumb stuff. And I don’t think we need to make every thread American centric.
- Comment on Religion 2 months ago:
True if all of your knowledge of religion comes from pop culture I can see how someone might see it that way.
Like in Family Guy or other Seth Rogan shows Satan, Jesus and “God” are all depicted as equals bickering.
Thanks for your thoughts here. They’re interesting.
- Comment on Religion 2 months ago:
I’m guessing you don’t come from a region that has been historically Abrahamic. I’m secular myself but it’s interesting that you would throw Satan in there with the rest.
- Comment on Making peace with liking very few games? 3 months ago:
Fair, Satisfactory is a lot heavier on the hardware for sure. But it’s a first person 3D game with a much bigger emphasis on beauty.
To each their own though. They’re both interesting games.
- Comment on Making peace with liking very few games? 3 months ago:
Strong recommend for Satisfactory. It’s first person factorio but in a beautiful world that isn’t all brown.
Personally I think it’s better.
- Comment on The mod who bypass' the PSN login for God of War Ragnarök got removed on Nexus Mods 5 months ago:
Back in the days of windows xp and Alcohol 120% it didn’t. I remember having like 12 virtual disk drives each with an independent iso just to avoid swapping disks.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 7 months ago:
If you actually read the article it seems pretty factual. It lists Bush’s claims and then has a response. Seems to merit the rating.
The reporting of the Bush administration’s position and the response seems fair.
**IRAQ:** STATUS: Since 1998, the Iraqi government has barred U.N. weapons inspectors from examining sites where some suspect that nuclear, chemical or biological weapons are made and stored. The United Nations has said it will lift sanctions against the Middle Eastern country -- in place since Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the ensuing Gulf War in 1991 -- only if inspectors can verify that Iraq has dismantled all its weapons of mass destruction. In an editorial this month in a state-run newspaper, Iraq again denied it has or is developing such weapons. RESPONSE TO BUSH'S SPEECH: "This statement of President Bush is stupid and a statement that does not befit the leader of the biggest state in the world," Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said Wednesday.
- Comment on Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K 8 months ago:
You’re not wrong. NIV is very generic. Lol.
The thing that stands out to me in the translation you have is making idles to yourself. Instead of for yourself. That and using the term Jehovah. Those to me are major pointers to using the NWT, which among the Christian diaspora is seen as less reputable.
- Comment on Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K 8 months ago:
I’m a secular person now but as a formally very religious person I know a bad Bible translation when I see it.
Assuming you a referring to Leviticus 26:1 a better translation from the NIV is:
Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God.
Given this I can see how Catholics can justify having statues and art and the like.
In case you don’t like the NIV here is a meta comparison.
- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 9 months ago:
That’s a a bit of an unfair characterization.
Never letting your child be indoctrinated or abused or harmed isn’t a bad thing at all.
- Comment on Anon is a samurai 9 months ago:
Ugh. What did he say?
- Comment on What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? 1 year ago:
Slightly off topic here, but the most “grown up” way to play “grown up” games is to just play what you want and not care about what people think.
If you like Minecraft stick with it. Or just play any other games you enjoy. Only kids care what their peers think of the games they play.
- Comment on EBAY Prices 1 year ago:
Probably listing bots that scrape eBay to decide what price to set. It can lead to some pretty interesting results.
See the $23,698,655.93 book on Amazon.