- Comment on Why do people say "quote unquote something" and not "quote something unquote" ? 3 months ago:
You’ll hear it sometimes in French.
- Comment on What are some powerful open source projects everyone should know? 4 months ago:
For my part, I didn’t know this project and thought it’s amazing and shared it with friends.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 4 months ago:
Things change, though. That’s good.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 4 months ago:
Oh I have. A while ago like, 20 years ago maybe. If a male was suspected of being gay, some assholes would ask him if he peed sitting.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave 4 months ago:
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Where I live, we have a special phone line we can call to talk with a nurse. While most people know when to call 911, when your unsure what to do, the nurse can give you tips, tell you when and if to book an appointment in a clinic, when a pharmacist could be of any help, or what to do to treat yourself if you don’t need medication (like, drink this, apply hot or cold somewhere, etc).
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
This is the most dystopian thing I’ve read in years.
- Comment on [I just watched] 13 Going on 30, chill rom com with Jennifer Gartner and Mark Ruffalo, what are your favourite movies in this genre? 6 months ago:
I’m not at all a fan of romcoms. I didn’t watch a lot. However, I once watched Midnight in Paris and I really really loved it. For many reasons.
Owen Wilson can actually act in this movie and is not just doing another version of himself.
The plot is actually quite original.
I’m a strong dreamer and the story of this movie greatly appealed to that part of myself.
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 7 months ago:
Or what if the entity that stimulates can just “dream” the simulation to make it happen?
- Comment on Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc? 7 months ago:
Mdr is a good one s well, good catch :)
- Comment on When did a movie misrepresent the country or city you live in? 8 months ago:
Yeah I’ve been to Uppsala and, if I hadn’t known it was exaggerated in the show, I would have been confused.
- Comment on What movies speak to you more as you've gotten older? 8 months ago:
Yeah… The more you laugh, the more it’s a sour laugh.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Wolverines are pretty solitary animals
- Comment on Does anyone remember that unsettling image of the creepy blue faced man? 10 months ago:
Ryuk is pretty awesome.
- Comment on How do I stop wanting to be on a relationship? 10 months ago:
Gotta find someone with whom you can be alone with.
Meaning you can be alone with this person. And that you can be alone with yourself in their presence as well. Someone who can respect your alone time, basically.
- Comment on What produced the old dead channel tv static audiovisuals on tvs? 11 months ago:
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
Wow I had never heard of this. Interesting.
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
Very good observation
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
I was a little like that until I had a kid myself. Much less than you perhaps, but I didn’t have fun with kids, I never knew what to do, what to tell them, and I would be very unforgiving with kids who are cheating or lying for fun.
I always thought that when you have one, yours is different.
When i meet my soulmate, I knew she would be an awesome mother and it helped me retain some faith. We ended up having a boy who is now 4 and a half.
I just admit, I didn’t know I had this much patience in me. Still not knowing what the fall I’m doing but I lowered the bar as much as I could : he’s happy, and he’s fed.
Now it’s not always easy, and he test my limits by pushing all the proper buttons. Sometimes I ask my girlfriend for an… Emergency relief.
But now I kinda understand how to enter children’s world. Does work with all of them, and sometimes I must adapt. I still have a hard time tolerating crying over nothing serious, but I found ways to go around that and give hugs.
I try to remind myself of old memories when I did some very similar things with I was a kid, sometimes I’m not very proud…
All in all, I’m not telling to have kids, but just to say it can change. I just happened to have taken the “hard way”, and I did regret any of it.
- Comment on What was the original use of the ‘☠️’ emoji 1 year ago:
Good to know, thanks!
- Comment on How Can I Make this Legless Bed Rise 2-inches? 1 year ago:
Once in college I had a friend who had tired of having a bed that was too low. He used 8 crates of beer, with empty bottles still inside of course.
- Comment on An catchy animated singalong about the futility of work 1 year ago:
Love it. I love that it’s part of his “Things I hope won’t age well” playlist.
- Comment on Would eating raw human brains make you high? 1 year ago:
Like… Bath salt high.
- Comment on What makes a content creator an influencer?? 1 year ago:
Podcast / YouTube show. Same thing, but one is audio only the other video, but the content is the same.
The show is discussing the world of work and how we can survive in it without being a victim, and owning our own narrative. It’s in French, however.
- Comment on What makes a content creator an influencer?? 1 year ago:
I’m a content creator. I do influence people in a way. Bit since I’m light-years away from being able to live from that, and I won’t sell Squarespace or shit like that on my show, I guess I’m not an influencer really.
- Comment on How hard can you concentrate? 1 year ago:
As hard as flubber.
- Comment on Do you lucid dream? 1 year ago:
No but I lucid sleep.
Once in a while, I have what I call “ghost sleep”. Like, I’m sleeping, but I’m aware that I’m sleeping. And I witness the whole night, never end up in the deep sleep cycle.
No need to mention I’m not super energized the next day.
And after looking into it, that’s the kind of problems you encounter some getting old. Blood pressure gets higher when eating sodium and drinking alcohol. So, going to pub one night, eating French fried, some burger and drinking a few pints now comes at a higher price that what’s on the bill.
Getting old sucks. I’m only 44.