- Comment on DOGE Claimed It Saved $8 Billion in One Contract. It Was Actually $8 Million. 1 week ago:
Yeah, you also have to be careful of how you view “saving” in a government context. Your not trying to horde wealth like a ceo. Not supporting contracts and businesses can many times mean unemployment for staff, which starts to negatively affect your economy overall and affect spending leading to less taxes and less money going back to the government. While also increasing either social aid to support them or police presence for people going through hard times.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 1 month ago:
I wonder how this affects homelessness. What surprised me in my country was how much the homeless dependent on those cheap eats for food. How a 2 dollar burger here meant a meal for them, and how a price increase meant extra begging to get fed.
- Comment on So virtuous helping another 2 months ago:
So shines a good deed in a weary world.
- Comment on I'm an educator and have to tell my students the same lie every day. 2 months ago:
Interesting thing I read, the previous generation teaches us how to live based on what they went through, not what the future would bring.
Which is largely why in that time they could go far with purely hardwork and sometimes further with an education.
That however is no longer the case anymore, partially because of the same generation that sold you on the lie.
It also tells us why the previous generation doesnt understand when you tell them no you can’t just walk into a store and just ask for a job and you get enough to feed your whole family.
The worse thing? Those same people selling you the lie are now politicans or policy makers or those in ceo positions.
- Comment on why do i sometimes wake up feeling like a lot is going on? like why do i feel the day will be an adventure?? when i wake up 2 months ago:
Haha good question regarding the study, you should definitely try it. I know I changed my alarm once to that song from the lion king and I woke up feeling majestic as fuck lol.
Also I really liked this one as a more chill wake up on a relaxing Sunday morning
- Comment on why do i sometimes wake up feeling like a lot is going on? like why do i feel the day will be an adventure?? when i wake up 2 months ago:
Wow that’s so interesting, I always wake up like everything is chaos. I thought it was the sound of my alarm that’s doing it? But I see a huge spike on my heart rate. Do you wake up with an alarm? Is it an advertous song?
- Comment on Piece work entry unpaid 4 months ago:
Is she deemed as a contractor? Does the company file her taxes? Being paid or not paid based on outcome is usually somwthing i see on contracts which companies force people to become to skirt labour laws and make payment based on ourcome instead of hours.
This changes the answer for you, because the reason they do this is it puts the onus on you to make everyrhibg perfect becayse they are paying for a piece of work.
There are indeed laws that punish companies that do this however but is based on location and all that (fwiw im not a lawyer)
- Comment on $250 Analogue 3D will play all your N64 cartridges in 4K early next year 4 months ago:
Apparently Ryujinx the switch emulator has been removed even though it used unique code and the speculation is the owner got paid off to delete it. Makes me wonder if they get you either one way or another
- Comment on Bandai Namco reportedly tries to bore staff into quitting, skirting Japan’s labor laws 4 months ago:
I would say managment should be individually fined by safe work commission for creating an unsafe work environment. But considering Japans long history of mental health issues and work, im unfortunately not expecting much.
- Comment on I don't know what this site wants me to allow, but no thanks. 5 months ago:
My guess is either your location or notifications. I’m guessing the first assuming the site isn’t just an outright scam.
- Comment on Studying colonisation and Aboriginal resistance to be mandatory in NSW high schools 5 months ago:
I find it odd too, i went to a shit hole of a school in a smaller town and this stuff was all just part of the curriculum. Including all the bad things that happened to the indiginious people. So it feeld weird its called out now.
- Comment on Minecraft. Family guy, even. 6 months ago:
- Comment on I started to get these daily at random hours, even when I'm sleeping. Someone's trying to hack me? 7 months ago:
I would definitely changw your password, also see if you can check the logs of login as it will sometimes show and you can see if the country aligns.
For what its worth, if you think youre not being hacked. It sometimes ive seen it come up when people use a vpn and are connected by some sort of app. And it flags a 2fa to reconect. Its unlikely but i have seen it.
- Comment on Hey guys I love Jodie Foster so much any tips on how someone like me can impress her? 7 months ago:
I learnt about it on an episode of American Dad LOL
- Comment on Elden Ring is "the limit" for From Software project scale, says Miyazaki - multiple, "smaller" games may be the "next stage" 8 months ago:
Bloodborne, bloodborne, bloodborne!! Lol
- Comment on Dubai Is A Parody Of The 21st Century - YouTube 8 months ago:
Happens in other countries too unfortunately, when you hear politicians say “stop buying avacado and toast” or “people are buying too many coffees” and they dont realise theyre talking about the above average income earners not the desperately poor.
- Comment on Ubisoft Posts Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition Tweet With June Release Date, Then Deletes It 8 months ago:
But its on their blog page right?…/beyond-good-evil-20th-annivers…
- Comment on Voyager 1 9 months ago:
I just have to imagine how interesting of a challenege that is. Kinda like when old games only had 300kb to store all their data on so you had to program cool tricks to get it all to work.
- Comment on Do you ever think that maybe all VPN services are actually secretly owned/funded by governments and that they are only giving you a false illusion of privacy? 1 year ago:
Of course, besides the people who fall for the basic “VPN are some magic security device” most people (in particular those that know what they’re getting) always looks for the same thing “which one can I actually trust”.
Even if it’s not government owned you have no idea whose keeping logs, sharing data etc.
So you can really only base your trust on whether the company has come up to any issues with the government and have refused, or has run for a number of years and provide a positive track record. With the changing of laws and how companies work, you also need to regularly check that your they stay respecting privacy and security.
For what it’s worth, a VPN company worth is if it private, security and stands up to scrutiny. The moment trust is lost, the company is meaningless. So that’s something for those that are long lasting.
- Comment on Anon learns to love the bath bomb 1 year ago:
You’re allowed to do anything anywhere. All acts are permissible, in the grand scheme.
Feel like I should remember that more often in life.
- Comment on Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered details enhancements, new features 1 year ago:
Don’t know why you’re being negged. They’re “okay” and I do understand why some are negative about them. Overall they’ve done okay with re-bringing back out old games.
But you’re right there’s been some issues with jank, and some anger due to how they dealt with KOTOR 2 DLC and purchases.
The kotor2 remake has also been removed from aspyr.
IMO I’d say wait and see, let the reviews come up, and see if it fits for you.
- Comment on What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time? 1 year ago:
I would return 5 Skyrim remakes for just 1 remake of oblivion or Morrowing. Does a great disservice that those games a regulated to past consoles.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This is the typical case I think too. Usually so that nurse charts it straight away. This is so that another nurse wont give the same pill/dose during shift changes and so that if something happens and a doctor needs to administer alternative medication, they know what’s in the patients system already.
I’ve never heard of a nurse having to sit there waiting for the patient to randomly choose a time to take it.
- Comment on What are your opinions about 'handicap' features in games 1 year ago:
Don’t really see it much because it’s either single player game and thus it only matters to me. Or its a multiplayer game in which case it’s just a new option for a group to agree on, on what is good.
Fwiw I’ve only really seen it in smash bros that I think of, and I think it’s a great option. Let’s me try out when a friend is toooo good and we give them less lives and stuff
- Comment on Do Huawei phones have a secret backdoor that the Chinese government can access? 1 year ago:
I mean, it’s written into law in Australia…/australia-s-unprecedented-encryption-la…
And you can be sure that data is shared with 5eyes.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Everyone’s comments here are right but I do feel you OP, I’ve been wanting to learn Godot and react recently but seeing people just pull code straight from ChatGPT and it’s way better then I can code right now, does feel a bit like “should I really try this path”.
Tbf I do think you can work hand in hand with ChatGPT where it just makes you faster at development, but I still do feel a little sting. And with so much stuff I want to do, I’ve re-prioritised other things instead.
- Comment on Why do people say that "return to office" is about raising commercial real estate prices? 1 year ago:
A big thing in my country, business buildings are expensive because of location and what’s around them. But if employees aren’t in the office, restaurants, cafes public transport corner shops etc lower in demand or even close entirely. This makes the building itself less in demand and harder to rent out at a higher price.
A lot of these buildings are owned by banks, CEO’s and financial institutions who have the money to push for changes like government to make people come into office and can use any reason like “think of all the failing cafes!”.
- Comment on What kind of upbringing makes an incel? 1 year ago:
Makes me wonder whether those with the top dollar gets to influence what we see, and slowly how we think. A couple vids here a few ads there that slowly appeal to things it already knows you like. Until it creates a new norm.
- Comment on What kind of upbringing makes an incel? 1 year ago:
I want to add to this that it’s also a self circulating thing too. It’s easy to start reading text that’s antiwomen, seeing videos about it, slowly further looking into more and more negative things. Some guys literally brain wash themself on this. That’s why some media worry me.
For example I recently watched a video that discussed the negatives of Captain Marvel as a movie. Not long after my videos started showing negatives of other shows and movies like velma, shehulk and snow white etc.
Then not long after that all my videos started showing anti women, and more just outright incel videos.
- Comment on Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. 1 year ago:
I actually think this is the case. I could be completely wrong but I swear I saw the same question like 6 years ago in another forum software that looks exactly like this one lol. And people compalined about it storing plain text, but the response when asking the forum people was that it was only during that password creation, it’s not actually stored.
I don’t know if it’s crazy for me to think it’s the same forum from that many years ago, still doing the same thing and getting the same question.