Shut the fuck up Hillary
Hillary Clinton: How Much Dumber Will This Get?
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago
Came here to say these exact same words 2 days ago
All of this is both dumb and dangerous. And I haven’t even gotten to the damage Mr. Trump is doing by cozying up to dictators like Russia’s Vladimir Putin, blowing up our alliances — force multipliers that extend our reach and share our burdens — and trashing our moral influence by undermining the rule of law at home. Or how he’s tanking our economy and blowing up our national debt. Propagandists in Beijing and Moscow know we are in a global debate about competing systems of governance. People and leaders around the world are watching to see if democracy can still deliver peace and prosperity or even function. If America is ruled like a banana republic, with flagrant corruption and a leader who puts himself above the law, we lose that argument. We also lose the qualities that have made America exceptional and indispensable.
the NYT is once again outsourcing the narrative they should be carrying to the Opinion section, but at least it’s in there and well stated. 2 days ago 2 days ago
We literally would not be in this situation if it wasn’t for Hilary Clinton. Imagine what the timeline where Bernie Sanders just finished his second term must be like. I want to go there. 2 days ago
Hillary is so hated on all sides that her saying ‘drinking water is vital to survival’ would cause just about everyone to consider, if only for a brief moment, crimping their taps shut.
Her mocking the Trump syndicate for mishandling classified and sensitive information is pretty insane. As much as the “but her emails!” crowd are stupid marks, her private email server was probably worse (from a national security perspective) than accidentally CCing an Atlantic journo into an airstrike discussion. It’s all awful, don’t get me wrong, but Hillary needs to find something else to do with her time. 2 days ago
There’s no reason a private email server is inherently insecure. If it was properly hardened, it’s a non-issue from a national security perspective.
Hell, given the old tech the government still uses, a private server might be more secure. 2 days ago
Hillary is so hated on all sides that her saying ‘drinking water is vital to survival’ would cause just about everyone to consider, if only for a brief moment, crimping their taps shut.
True. And very much a key result of decades-long attacks on her by the usual suspects.
As much as the “but her emails!” crowd are stupid marks, her private email server was probably worse
No, for a couple of reasons: one, she never sent classified documents, that was what the whole shitshow FBI fuckup was about - you can bank on that being the case because Cheeto Mussolini would have seized on it in a heartbeat. Two, at the time she did that it was not illegal or even against policy (or even tradition - any way they want to look at it). It was inadvisable - Unless she’s got a good security person it’s probably a bad idea, but no dumber than letting Microsoft run free decades after being declared a monopoly or any other tech-related idiot political event.
And what the hell Three it’s absolutely nothing like taking boxes of classified documents home and sticking them in an unlocked, unguarded side closet / bathroom-with-a-chandelier and then LYING ABOUT IT MANY TIMES.
worse (from a national security perspective) than accidentally CCing an Atlantic journo into an airstrike discussion.
Also no for the above reasons and the additional point that classified information - guaranteed, no-shit, don’t-believe-the-pathological-lying-white-house - classified information was sent over an unapproved insecure (obviously) channel. By the Secretary of Defense.
All that FBI bullshit Hillary went through? Drinky Pete needs to begin that journey that will take years. YEARS.
No 'her emails" was not worse. Not even close. Her “hated on all sides” is not the case. And an opinion piece in the Times is nothing to get excited about. 3 days ago
Thanks for the link but I have very little interest in what she has to say. She had her chance. 2 days ago
Same, I came here to comment on pretty much the same thing. I don’t care if I agree with her on points, I don’t have any respect for her, she’s shady af. 2 days ago
Further; if there is anyone who ensures Trump’s first win and enabled the second was the DNC undemocratically undermining Bernie’s primary successes and putting her forward and despite the machinations and dishonesty of it, her wanting it so much she accepted it and marginalized Bernie and actual progressivism dooming the democratic party to further irrelevance and weakness when they could have moved left 8 years ago and won.
Fuck Hillary for thinking her winning was more important than the constituents of the party she’s a member of. It’s the essence of entitlement, elitism and antidemocraticism. 2 days ago
That’s why I don’t read any Al Gore articles either. He had his chance. He knew what he was doing.