I mean, can we go back to more SM1 than 2? I wanna play boi dress up with each chapter. Not just the Ultra Marines and other loyalists.
Submitted 2 days ago by to
I mean, can we go back to more SM1 than 2? I wanna play boi dress up with each chapter. Not just the Ultra Marines and other loyalists.
I thought you could do that with the PvP mode in SM2?
The issue is the customization. I dont know how everyone else feels but SM1 was better because we got to play dress up with any chapter we wanted pretty much. SM2 has a fraction of that. What it does have 80% is Ultra Marine focused.
Game got pretty stale with the same enemies over and over.
Dark Tide was a lot cooler I thought
Dark tide was really fun for about five hours then it felt very repetitive and shallow tbh
Yeah you either play for hundreds of hours or you don’t. Shallow, though ? It’s got tons of great mechanics that make the moment-to-moment gameplay enjoying
Will they make another collector’s edition with an awesome statue like they did for Space Marine II? They might get me with another crazy statue.
Okay, but the first game didn’t even release with all its content
Don’t get me wrong, it was a good game, but we should really get a bit less used to buying unfinished games at AAA pricing. This is especially true if they’re going to move on to a sequel this quickly
I don’t know why they priced it 60 dollars in the US. But Space Marine 2 has a really generous regional pricing. Converted to USD it’s around 30 bucks to get Space Marine 2 and with the current sale it’s around 22 bucks to get it. At that prices it’s quite worth it in my opinion.
That’s not what I was saying. I was criticising them releasing a game, charging full price for it, promising the game’s full features to come out later, then moving on to a sequel ~7 months later 1 day ago
This kinda disappoints me. They promised a long lifecycle and that was one of the reasons I purchase. Granted I honestly did end up not liking the gameplay a ton (specifically invasions which I thought I’d love.) That said I really doubt anything they are developing is going to be a meaningful improvement. They should have supported 2 for a couple years worked in some new ideas/control/tech. Any campaign or enemy’s in the meantime could have been DLc and people would have purchased it. I’m not interested in “spacemarine” becoming a yearly or bi yearly release.