In the spirit of ! it isn’t just about goods and services, soft power packs a punch.
So name your favourite European films. The article link is just to get you started.
Submitted 1 day ago by to
In the spirit of ! it isn’t just about goods and services, soft power packs a punch.
So name your favourite European films. The article link is just to get you started.
In no particular order and non-exhaustive:
Does the Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy count?
If not, then I guess anything from Aardman or Cartoon Saloon.
No, because brexit
Yep, we’re still Europeans despite Leave’s best efforts.
Dinner for One is definitely up there with my top favourite euro-films.
I watch it on every new years eve :)
I suppose I should start with the horror movies that got an, often inferior, American remake:
They did a Martyrs remake???
Yep, Martyrs (2015). It’s pretty bad and best avoided. 1 day ago