I randomly got this in the mail. It’s seems to be a collection of like, snippets and poems and what have you. Not mad at it, just curious.
Posting another photo of the inside. Image
Submitted 1 month ago by 2ugly2live@lemmy.world to [deleted]
I randomly got this in the mail. It’s seems to be a collection of like, snippets and poems and what have you. Not mad at it, just curious.
Posting another photo of the inside. Image
Was it addressed to you? I’d be cagey about something LGBT related showing up addressed to me without anyone I knew sending it, but that might be overly paranoid.
It looks like it’s a zine made by some New York film company called A24.
I’d be paranoid too tbh
That was honestly my first thought. It was just “Household of - address-” the envelope was also interesting so I opened it instead of tossing it with the junk.
Do you subscribe to A24 Zines? I just googled it.
No. Never. I’ve been at my current place for a few years and this was the first time ever saw it.
givesomefucks@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Never was big on the “zine” name and it’s weird they’re bringing it back…
But it’s basically just a short format online version of a magazine that they’re printing out like a magazine?
A24 does weird shit, it’s a production company that buys up a bunch of weird indie movies and releases them. Like 90% bangers
2ugly2live@lemmy.world 1 month ago
Thank you so much!