Seeing a lot of down votes. Tell me why it’s not please, don’t just dismiss me.
Because you were just fishing for validation. Not asking a legitimate question and wanting to hear answers.
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Seeing a lot of down votes. Tell me why it’s not please, don’t just dismiss me.
Because you were just fishing for validation. Not asking a legitimate question and wanting to hear answers.
This was before anyone responded.
The Q anon vibes probably come from the claims that a small group of powerful people taking advantage of their position to direct the world in an undesirable way.
I’d say that the main difference between the two is that the video you posted says “person X says they want to do Y”, whereas QAnon is more like “person X secretly wants to do Y”.
I think q anon is definitely less focused but generally speaking they do the same thing. They find an over arching narrative and piece together things to make it seem like they’re part of the same puzzle.
Not gonna watch a 30min video but the title is legit. They’ve wrote books and stuff on it, not really a secret.
QAnon was entirely based on a supposed mole in the government releasing inside information.
The reason to tech shown here is completely based on their own statements and behavior, which is all in the open, and the belief that business interests will prioritize their own profits.
Hardly tin foil time.
The claims they make are pretty wild and again QAnon is about using known facts to weave a conspiratorial narrative. They demonstrate that even the most outlandish bullshit will be accepted if it fits the observers agenda. So no it does not surprise me when I call into question this video on a left leaning site everyone loses their shit. This type of media is used to control people because it’s so easy to put an erie background music and make a 5 point essay. That’s all it takes to get them to buy in.
Your entire premise of making it the same as QAnon or not the same as QAnon is full of murky definitions and ultimately pointless. If you have a critique of this video’s contents, then by all means make it with substance. QAnon is a rich topic and you can no doubt point to many similarities and I can point to many differences. Ultimately: so what?
It sounds like you are here to say “leftists are full of shit just as much as anyone” and were 99% of the way to congratulating yourself on successfully proving this from the moment the post was made.
I really only have one question about all that. Are you 14?
Seeing a lot of down votes. Tell me why it’s not please, don’t just dismiss me.
Edit: lol, I guess it’s just leftist q anon then. Stay safe out there friends.
People upvote: “I guess I’m right”
People downvote: “I guess I’m right”
It’s not about the votes anymore. It’s how no one actually wants to discuss the content of the video.
Most people aren’t gonna watch a 30 minute video just to answer your question, so that’s probably why.
Maybe post this in a c/videos community 5 weeks ago
Because you’re not paying attention.
Facts don’t care about how you feel or what you’d like to be true. The Q insanity was stupid people getting manipulated in to believing they alone were privy to some secret information, and it didn’t matter how outlandish the claims were. This in the other hand is easiy verifiable by anyone with two brain cells to rub together. 5 weeks ago
Chill, bro.
The way you’re acting is how you start a Q anon type in group.
I just need a reality check on this piece otherwise it should be picked up by the MSM. 5 weeks ago
tf are you on about? You asked for an answer, that’s it. I’m not responsible for whether you like the answer or not. 5 weeks ago
I mean it gets picked up by msm:…/curtis-yarvin-trump…/curtis-yarvin-interview.html…/curtis-yarvin/