Yeah nsfw mostly refers to pornographic content and nsfl being gore etc.
Buuut 99% of the time nsfw refers to it all, any sensitive content. Suicide related, pornographic, gore, even drug related and so on. Anything a reasonable amount of people don’t wanna see. 2 months ago
This is a well-known issue. NSFW is colloquially used as a term to flag adult content, but that's not really what it's about. It means "not safe for work". So it's meant so you can safely browse and scroll through a feed at work, or on your phone while commuting in the train and there won't be any strange things showing up that make bystanders look at you.
Reading the news is considered safe. Pictures of dead people in a warzone are not safe for work. Naked people aren't safe to look at either. You wouldn't casually scroll through penis art while waiting for your colleagues to arrive to head out for lunch... So your art is NSFW.
(And on the other hand, if you're wrongly using NSFW to flag age restricted content, like many people do, it wouldn't be NSFW.)
Other than that, the lines are completely blurry. Some people mistake anime girls for porn and that'll get you unwanted attention. No one knows what kind of short dresses cross a line. And using NSFW for age restriction isn't the right thing to do in the first place. Learning about anatomy or asking questions regarding intimacy is a valid thing for minors to do and now they can't. The categories are completely subjective. And lumping together violence and mildly lewd things isn't useful.