See the divinity in yourself friends.
Earlier marsupials capable of a high level of social assembly would revear this bird a god.
They would say its flesh tasted sweet like curry…
obligatory fuck seagulls comment - they will probably rule with the roaches one day - this one was a boss though 1 month ago
They don’t want the gifted kid who turns into the mathematical supergenius, because either they get out of control in their own quest for world domination, or they get abducted by the government wanting to control them, and extract secret knowledge from their calculations. (My dad went the latter route)
But they don’t know it, so when they get the ASD weirdo like me whose gifts are in fields they don’t yet understand (talking to plants, radical left wing sociopolitical theory, or in my case, the ability to recognize that my cat is enlightened sitting in his box) they’re disappointed that the government is not clawing in to take them away.
Image 1 month ago
Fucking relatable
Also obviously cats are enlightened is this even up for debate? I thought everyone knew. 1 month ago
Depends on your version of enlightenment I guess. My orange tabby has mastered the “ignorance is bliss” thing 1 month ago
As always, the real top-quality shitopost is in the comments.