Me, watching Business Team, Design Team and Research Teams fighting each other causing three of my project to a pause so I am basically configuring my neovim everyday: Yes
Is this your every work day routine?
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
WFH is great because you can at least do something worthwhile while they fight it out. 5 weeks ago
You were already there when the will of men failed but now you want them exterminated 5 weeks ago
Working in service is the equivalent of taking the red pill.
There is no more true impression of a person than the way they choose to behave when under the entitled impression they are always right.
On a more positive note, it really makes pleasant people stand out. Be kind to your workers. Please and thank you. 5 weeks ago
I’ll have customers on the phone ask me a question. The definite answer is “No, we can’t do that” Yet they will go onto to ask the same question over and over again expecting a different answer. I would never do it, but always want to say, “So how many times do you intend to ask me the same fucking question before you understand No.” 5 weeks ago
Depending on your line of work and the customer, you could try a trick I started using. I call it the broken record.
“I’m sorry ma’am/sir but due to [issue/policy] I am unable to comply with your request.” Just let them rant away and ask for it however they want then repeat, using the exact same words. They will usually quit after the second or third application of broken record. 5 weeks ago
I’m never pic 1 and I’m pic two just driving to work. I often yell “ too many people “ as I go. 5 weeks ago
Your either a doctor or work in IT 5 weeks ago
Yeah first impression was c/sysadmin 5 weeks ago
Also anyone who works with sales in production planning where sales get bonuses according to completed deals.