I’m in tech; senior level. But I’ve been looking for work for over 3 years. I’ve been getting advice/tips/tricks from other people, but nothing has worked so far. These are things I’ve tried:

  • Blindly applying for a job through the job form
  • Working with a recruiter to get me a position.
  • Asking to chat with someone on a team with an open position.
  • Asking to chat with someone on a team with NO positions.
  • Working to establish myself as an expert on social media.
  • Asking friends if their company is hiring.
  • “Slow networking” (not asking for a job directly, but trying VERY hard to be patient and get to know someone first)
  • Fast networking…taking the direct “hey, you hiring?” approach.
  • Lynchpin networking (connecting people w/ other people)
  • Giving talks at conferences
  • Guerrilla tech support (providing my 2 cents on a post even if no one was asking for it).
  • open source contributions
  • Temp agencies
  • state jobs
  • connecting with high-profile people and asking if they need help.
  • developing a complete MVP that would help someone (yet I couldn’t quite market effectively).
  • Leveraging previous employers to see if they have anything new.
  • Offering “low hanging fruit” gigs on social media.
  • Putting my resume on job boards.
  • Getting a role well below my pay grade and working my way up (if I try this I get automatically disqualified for being too overqualified).
  • Providing free consultation to businesses.
  • Hosting a podcast interview with someone from a company.
  • Writing a guest post for an article (I’ve kind of done this, I think).

Any other strategies people have found that works? How did you get your job? I’m running out of ideas.