Riot Games added some new clauses to its Terms of Service that could put some players in hot water for unbecoming behavior that occurs “across the various places that touch their gaming experience.” Players can face penalties, suspensions and even “Riot-wide bans” if they are caught violating these new rules.
Every awful person I had to deal with in my life had one thing in common, they were league fiends. It’s crazy but it’s true, even with some of my best friends, they were becoming unbearable when they were at the height of their league faze. Some people in my family, its just league all day, complain about their team, complain about their internet, won’t show up for dinner because they started a game 30 minutes ago. When you ask them a question, or try to communicate while they’re in game, you just get a look and attitude like you’re an asshole or a weirdo. Try to play some casual games with them? You get yelled at. That game can burn for all I care, it lobotomizes people. 3 months ago
This is actually good. Too many toxic streamers ruining the game for everyone else. Its time to clean up. 3 months ago
I stopped playing years ago because I was tired of the toxicity directed just at other people. 3 months ago
Probably a right decision 3 months ago
Lol league was extremely toxic in 2010 when streaming wasn’t a thing. I got sucked in and became toxic in 2011-2012 before I quit altogether. Best decision I ever made regarding video games.
It is the player base, not the streamers, that ruin the game.
But maybe this will help a little bit. 3 months ago
I am confused about this. Can’t you just not watch their stream? How does it ruin the game for others? 3 months ago
Toxic behavior being normalized leads to other people acting similarly.
I mean, “haha screaming so funny, I do same thing cause I want to be funny” 3 months ago
The gist is… streamers are gamer role models. The streamer itself is a drop in the bucket… but either they encourage people that like their behavior to play the game, or they encourage people who play the game to act like them.
I used to play town of salem, the social deduction game… the community was relatively small, but when a mainstream youtube channel like pewdiepie or someoen played the game there’d be a collective groan from the community. As it would always follow up with a huge spike if players who start up the game with zero interest in learning how to play (because the youtuber also didn’t learn how to play)… now in those cases that generally was only a week or 2 of annoyance as the obnoxious players either moved on to the next thing, or started actually trying to learn the game instead of just trolling everyone. 3 months ago
Riiight… The streamers are the toxic ones and not just every player of the game.