hmmm. I think I’d go with centipedes. For sheer creep-factor. (more than 8 legs is just excessive.)
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Submitted 1 month ago by to
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
Calm down Satan 1 month ago
If I were really satan, I’d reverse the shrink ray and make centipedes large enough to ride. I bet they’d add it to the geneva conventions as a war crime. 1 month ago
I LOVE centipedes and all million of their legs 1 month ago
Are centipedes that scary
For me, a centipede would be less scary 1 month ago
It is good to give credit. That is PBF 1 month ago
“Permission to use the restroom”, like what? What’s he going to do, say no? I can take a shit in your trash can if you’d prefer. I’m not asking for permission, I’m informing you that I’m going to the restroom, deal with it. 5 weeks ago
i have distinct memories of one of my early teachers having read a book to the class about a kid who peed themselves because they weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom, and from that day on we always had that one comfort in her classes: you’re always free to go to the bathroom, no need to ask (just inform that you’re heading to the toilet). 1 month ago
Reminds me of the video with the two beetles fighting until one gets yeeted into the shadow realm 1 month ago
I was remembering a different video, but this one was also funny:
Stag Beetle Throws Girlfriend Out Of Tree | Life | BBC Earth
Jump to 2:55 if you want to get to what the title is talking about
But the hurling habit dies hard
hurl 1 month ago
I think the original video has been set to private. 5 weeks ago
Several videos have been removed (including one for being violent?).
The original came from twitter, but has since been removed (I think, maybe x is just bad), but the DailyMail did a news article on it (ugh) and happen to still host the video. 1 month ago
PKD has a novel in the same vein: 1 month ago
If I had to ask my boss for permission to use the restroom all the time, I’d probably respond the same way.