Those are all good to great movies.
No guilt.
Mutant Reviewers: Six late ’90s guilty pleasure spaceship movies
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
Alien: Resurrection is considered a low point in the franchise.
I love it though, for a few reasons. One, the director is Jeunet, who also did Delicatessen, City of Lost Children, and Amelie.
Two, there’s a scene late in the movie where Ripley finds a room of failed clones of her. One begs Ripley to kill her.
And I have always wanted a version of that scene as an M&M commercial.
One M&M finds a mutated mess of a failed copy of it and hears “Eat meeeeeee…” 6 months ago
The last quarter is not good. The first 75% is among the best of the series. 6 months ago
I still really enjoy the first ¾ of Resurrection. Its when they bring in that white alien with the eyes trying to look sad I give up.
Its reality pretty good up until that point.
Oh, don’t forget the underwater sequence is pretty good for it’s time as well. That was something different from an Alien film. 6 months ago
I just watched Wing Commander for the first time and I have to say it’s a shit movie.
Love Matthew Lillard tho 6 months ago
Let me rephrase to an accurate statement.
I just watched Wing Commander for the first time and I have to say, seems like a shit movie to me.Your opinion isn’t an objective determination of it’s quality. 6 months ago
I can see wing commander being a guilty pleasure. Its not great,but it is good,and its a movie you watch for enjoyment,not as a fan. I loved the game,so I’m a little biased,though. Event horizon is a good movie. The only problem with it is the primitive cg. For its time it was incredible,but didn’t age well. Look past that and its a good time. 6 months ago
Starship Troopers and Event Horizon are great - the others are solid, not a guilty pleasure amongst them.
I’d struggle to come up with some but possibly Battle Beyond the Stars (although I do love it) and you could have a whole list of just Roger Corman films and/or Star Wars cash-ins (like Galaxy of Terror and Starcrash). Perhaps Armageddon. Flash Gordon is cheesy but I could watch it ever day until.the end of the world (next Tuesday according to my calendar). I’d likely include Lifeforce on such a list. Going for a recent one but Moonfall, I kniw I shouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as I did. Ooo, I just remembered Leprechaun 4, obviously the best of the series.
Basically the kind of films that if someone walked in on you watching them, you’d hurriedly switch over to porn. 6 months ago
Wing Commander (1999), Lost In Space (1998), Event Horizon (1997), Alien Resurrection (1997), Starship Troopers (1997), Star Trek Insurrection (1998) 6 months ago
These are “guilty pleasure” films? I was always quite vocal about how great many of them were over the years. 6 months ago
I haven’t seen most of these but Starship Troopers is just a good movie. Nothing guilty about it. 6 months ago
Definitely give Event Horizon a spin but they are all solid. 6 months ago
Took my wife to see starship troopers in the theater. She absolutely hates bugs,and I did not think about the aliens being bugs. Made the movie that much better(for me,at least). I’m surprised I left the theater alive,lol.