and I’m guessing you will still continue to use apple products and buy another iphone…
Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months ago
This is almost exactly what happened to me except they told me my phone had mold growing inside it from the shattered screen I wanted replaced.
The “mold” was pocket lint from waiting a month to get it fixed.
Bitch actually said right to my face that my phone no longer works so let’s get you a new one. I powered on the phone right there and he started backpedaling and grifting ‘oh but it won’t be long tho’. So I went home and still use it with the shattered screen because fuck them. 2 months ago 2 months ago
I’d love nothing more than to move back to android, but I’m a cheap bastard.
I’m going to drive this til the wheels fall off 2 months ago
i feel ya there bud, im still rockin ancient technology here too 2 months ago
Yea Google are much better with all their pro consumer practices like hosting thousands of malware apps. Also their manufacturing partners where both Google and the manufacturer get to spy on you and sell your data. 2 months ago
who mentioned google 2 months ago
Do you have a smooth beain? 2 months ago
I miss the days people working the Genius Bar were actually tech savvy and not just “lifestyle influencer wannabes” 2 months ago
FYI, you can replace the screen yourself. I’ve replaced the screen and battery on an older iPhone. Bought the parts off Amazon, watched a YouTube video and that’s it. Super tiny screws so it may help if you have a magnifying glass (or one of those magnifying + light units for painting miniatures). 2 months ago
Never thought of doing that myself tbh but I’ll check it out, thanks for the idea. Id be happy if I could get a couple more years out of it because it sure beats these iPhone prices now 2 months ago
The other super useful tool to have is a heat gun. Go grab one from Harbor Freight for like $20 while they are on sale. This allows you to melt the adhesive they use to hold the screen in place 2 months ago
Apple has a self repair program where they send you the tools and parts needed for the repair that you return the tools and broken parts when you’re done.
Haven’t done one myself since I but I’ve read of others success stories with the process. The parts are not as cheap as going third party but if you’re buying your owns tools it might end up cheaper overall.