Comment on If someone murdered me, how long would it take (if ever) until they catch the murderer? 2 months ago
One of my grandfathers was murdered several years before I was born. He ran an off licence (small grocery store), when robbers took money and still used a shotgun to his face at point blank.
I believe it took around 20 years to catch one of them, with the accomplice having passed away from other causes years prior to the capture.
There have been a few attempted murders of friends/neighbours, over the years here, without anything coming of it.
I’m not within any profession to be providing a direct answer to your question, however in my mind I don’t believe there would be much effort provided for most people. I say this with some confidence, after seeing how much is provided to the rich in comparison to, well, everyone else… Rather sad realisations, ngl. 2 months ago
Fucking hell mate. Where do you live that’s so rough? There’s around 600 murders a year in the country I live (UK).
That said I don’t think there’d be much effort to investigate here either, the police just default to saying things are a civil matter these days. 2 months ago
Greater London. When people think of London they usually forget the areas on the outskirts. Just a lot of gang activity. Earlier this year someone got stabbed metres from my living room window, however they survived. All of my friends who have moved away have expressed being considerably happier. 2 months ago
I mean Alabama alone has around 700 murders a year. 2 months ago
Yeah well Cleetus needs to stop knocking up sheriff’s wives and mistaking them for his cousins 2 months ago
Only about one in twenty of recorded ‘crime’ is ever solved. I don’t know whether that includes posting a tweet (aka non-crime hate incident). That’s recorded crime (if they’ll let you record a crime).
Same view as you: got turned away with that same phrase “civil matter, sir”.
I’m guessing that the real figure is maybe 1 in 100 at best. I’m sure I saw a pod cast of that undercover detective (Pete® B-something?) who was evicted from the Met who said the figure was in that ball park. Can’t find it or remember his name. Bah!