- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 1 day ago:
Yes, pretty sure no-one is going to (be able to) look back on Gen Z and remember their achievements, except maybe in a negative way.
- Comment on At what point in the relationship should I move in with my girlfriend? 3 days ago:
When your wife says she’s ready to move to the next level.
- Comment on UK's Lammy: It's time to seize Russian assets, not just freeze them 5 days ago:
[ Suddenly the whole of London’s property market crashes as someone tries to sell it all just after it is announced. ]
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
Tbh. It’s the same in the UK. Our governments, of both sides, are killing any perception of privacy we had and no-one is doing anything.
Having said that people are mostly dealing with the terrorist inspired killings here that the are allied to the immigration issue.
The people have had enough, the governments of the last twenty years have been obvious or more likely not looking (at the disquiet).
There isn’t enough room to think of the loss of privacy/security yet. We are in a hell of a mess.
- Comment on Why have an adversarial legal system? 1 week ago:
You’ve got concepts confused.
Having the judge make the inquisition has nothing to do with adversarial.
The judges in the UK and US are independent of the inquisition etc. The prosecution is responsible for obtaining evidence.
In Europe, I know a little more about France, the judges are trained to be inquisitorial. I should shut up at this point and let someone who actually knows what they are talking about continue for me.
As for adversarial, still waiting for the day that criminals, for the most part, exclaim like the very old British movies and Scooby Doo cartoons that “It’s a fair cop, guv!” and then explain why and how they did it.
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 1 week ago:
Running uBlock-Origin for many years. I gave an example not an instance I use.
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 1 week ago:
Things like Privacy Badger block Discord.
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 1 week ago:
Seriously, you’re complaining now? The privacy apps have been blocking Discord for many years.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Turns out we’ve moved on from not realising that deodorant was required in the first place.
- Comment on Lessons for Britain from Milton Keynes 1 week ago:
Upvoted to the heavens. Well, one anyways.
Cf. Governments for the last twenty plus years failing to understand that taxation receipts are not inelastic wrt to tax levels (excuse triple negative). “Increasing taxation far beyond the average individual’s ability to sustain is never going to affect receipts.”.
Never occurs to them that maybe why Gen Z sees no interest in working. Not sure I don’t agree.
- Comment on Lessons for Britain from Milton Keynes 1 week ago:
Agree. All low cost parking zones now marked as premium, just to make sure that there’s no sign of life.
RIP physical shops.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 1 week ago:
Farts are funny. Will always be funny.
Don’t stop laughing at stupid shit. The world gets very serious very quickly all on its own when you’re looking and when you’re not. If you can retain some ability to laugh, you’ll be much better off.
Am old fart: early Gen X.
- Comment on Special Forces blocked 2,000 credible asylum claims from Afghan commandos, Ministry of Defence confirms. 1 week ago:
The obvious answer is for you pro BBC guys to move to Afghanistan to help them keep the peace and prevent them being targeted.
- Comment on is it a good thing if someone says my nose looks like his? 1 week ago:
Compared to the alternative. Danniella Westbrook etc.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 2 weeks ago:
It’s not really about warm or cold, it’s about how you get the bottle lid off. Especially now they have those lids-attached set-ups.
- Comment on Tributes paid to boy, 15, after Sheffield school stabbing 3 weeks ago:
Wtf. Fifteen. That’s well before life actually begins.
To my (old) mind, when this starts happening, it shows a society in deep distress. I don’t know if it’s being picked up by the media more often or happening more often.
- Comment on How can you explain a smell you've never smelled before? 3 weeks ago:
I just list the mass spectrometer components. Simples.
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 4 weeks ago:
For glory!
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 4 weeks ago:
Maybe! If you’ve never experienced a Reliant Robin, now’s your time. They’re calling you. Can you hear them? Ooooink oooooiiiinnnnk!…/reliant-robin/
It’s the natural evolution of the P5.
- Comment on When a country is ruled by a dictator, does it matter which party he belongs to? 4 weeks ago:
No, the very ordeal of a dictator is that there is no party. It is pure self interest.
- Comment on Isn't having your own domain name for email very bad for privacy? And how do you pick a good domain name that doesn't sound goofy? 4 weeks ago:
Buy two domains at least. One for the actual email and one for redirection email addresses with something like .
In the UK, open personal details can be resisted from whois listings under data protection, but you can use a mailbox or office address to make that a redirect.
I use a control domain to control all my other customer domains and I separate DNS, domain hosting, email, and websites so no-one has too much control. That was a painful lesson to learn.
- Comment on Water bills in England and Wales to rise by £123 a year in April 4 weeks ago:
This is premium quality fecal master in your water; thanks Thames Water and Anglian water. Premium is reassuringly expensive.
- Comment on Does Gmail have more spam now? 4 weeks ago:
Google’s whole business model is based on being a spam provider. How did you miss that?
I guess they wound the filter down a little.
- Comment on Gen Z far less likely to be atheists than parents and grandparents, new study reveals 4 weeks ago:
Phew! Thank-you. I missed that.
- Comment on Roman Abramovich may owe UK £1bn in unpaid tax. 4 weeks ago:
Boys, no-one has yet stated that the front bench has paid the due tax on the freebies they’ve been getting so far. Not even thinking about the free cash the last twenty years worth of government have given to their mates.
The seriously rich only pay tax voluntarily. Start with the medium wealthy and the grifter MPs.
- Comment on Gen Z far less likely to be atheists than parents and grandparents, new study reveals 4 weeks ago:
Gen Y/millennials and X discover Christian religion (at least?) is a safe place for paedophilia. Gen Z not listening to parents or grandparents.
Be careful people. It’s not safe at many levels.
- Comment on How are you actually doing today? 4 weeks ago:
Upvoted for asking.
- Comment on Family courts: 'Watershed moment' as press allowed to report 4 weeks ago:
The biggest thing that needs to happen is that there needs to statistics published.
All governments have lied or pretended not to collect the numbers. That has to change.
Everyone on the streets knows what’s going on, the statistics will prove it.
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 4 weeks ago:
Bro drives no-handed with certain clothing adjustments/malfunctions. Leaves both hands free to eat. Those flaky bits of pastry on some pastries can get away without that second hand. You know what I’m sayin’?
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 4 weeks ago:
Glad you came clean. The weight you’ve been carrying will lift from your shoulders soon.