Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 days agoBuddy, I’m German, I assure you I’ve been subjected to plenty of prejudice myself thank you very much. Ever seen Die Hard? So flattering.
Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 days agoBuddy, I’m German, I assure you I’ve been subjected to plenty of prejudice myself thank you very much. Ever seen Die Hard? So flattering. 2 days ago
on aversge, how many "nein"s do you hear from non-germans per day? 1 day ago
I have the perfect response to that but this is by far my favorite sub and I don’t want to risk offending the mods, so I’m afraid I can’t answer that question. 2 days ago
Well, fast food places are a nightmare, for one. It’s always “neiny nein” this and “neiny nein” that. 1 day ago
Neintynein McDonald’s burgers
Giving me a sleep disorder
To worry, worry, super scurry
Seek out the restroom in a hurry