it’s worth noting when the hate against NDT started and who was the most vocal about it.
Cosmos aired, and the christians flipped their shit. At the time, it was hilarious. Now it’s kinda sad.
Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 2 months ago
Maybe it’s because I know autistic people, but NDT’s obtuse starry-eyed splaining never triggered me as much as it seems to others.
He’s an astrological trapped on a planet. What do you expect
it’s worth noting when the hate against NDT started and who was the most vocal about it.
Cosmos aired, and the christians flipped their shit. At the time, it was hilarious. Now it’s kinda sad.
I’m not Christian, haven’t seen the show, and still think he’s a pompous ass. 2 months ago
Personally, I find him irksome because I get a strong vibe from him that he thinks of himself as a very smart person, looking down on the intellectual peasants. Part of why I perceive him that way is because this is how I used to think, as an autistic nerd who built much of my identity up around being smart. That’s also why behaviour of the sort that shows up on /r/iamverysmart (such as many of NDT’s posts) makes me cringe so much.
Dissecting this a bit further, it’s not necessarily that I think he thinks he’s better than other people — rather the opposite: some of the most intellectually arrogant people I have known are, at their core, deeply insecure and feeling the need to justify their interests by presenting themselves in a certain way. 2 months ago
Yeah that’s exactly the vibe I get but for some reason it makes me feel more charitable towards him. Maybe because it doesn’t trigger like an echo cringe in me because I’m not like that.
(I’m just like directly insecure lol)