The final solution will be to renew your printer driver subscription at the low low cost of $15/month.
Comment on Every time I search a windows error 2 months ago
Somewhere in the not so distant future…
Google Search: “Install printer driver windows 11”
Result from random blog:
“My first experience with printer drivers was 35 years ago. My grandma had an IBM PS2 that ran MS DOS and an HP Deskjet printer.
It connected to the computer via a parallel port and printed a whopping 1 page per minute. Every year at Christmas, Grandma would print off her famous pecan pie recipe and we would all gather around the printer, eagerly listening to the sound of the print head slowly whooshing back and forth in anticipation of the tasty goodness to come. Blah blah blah. Five more pages of meaningless stories that have nothing to do with installing print drivers followed by a solution that only works for Epson printers.” 2 months ago 2 months ago
the funniest part of the story is the idea that anyone’s grandma in the 90s had a computer and printed recipes, instead of a handmade old growth hardwood box full of 100 year old recipes handwritten with a quill pen 2 months ago
Mine did both 2 months ago
Also, reprinting the recipe every year.