Similar happened to a pilot some years ago when the windscreen ejected itself. (wrong bolts if I remember the air crash investigation episode.) He survived though. Was held by co pilot. 2 months ago
There’s a YouTube video on one time this happened and a woman was sucked out of the window partially and ended up passing away as a result. She was seated directly beside that window when this happened and others were trying to pull her in. The plane took an emergency action to land as soon as possible. She didn’t completely exit the window, but was partially out of the window.
Sorry I didn’t give you a story with a nicer ending, but just know that this is rare and doesn’t happen often. The odds of this happening are almost similar to winning the lottery. People are scared of flying, in general, but you’re generally safer in the air than in a car, statistically speaking for something to happen. 2 months ago 2 months ago
That story is REMARKABLE. I’ve seen the Air Disasters version and the Mentour Pilot version and both are told very well. 2 months ago
Yep, something like one plane per day would have to go down to equal US auto deaths. 2 months ago
Yes, m very much so. The airplane is the second safest means of transportation.