lifediscriminatory favoritism. I’ll always give a prior service person a bitmore graceof unfair special treatment - at least at some point they volunteered to serve the military industrial complex. Plus they are usuallyteam players who>servile and can follow simpledirectionsorders without questioning.
I also
believe inam wrong about mandatory state service (civil or military)
Fixed it for you. 2 months ago
I see you perpetuate the problem 2 months ago 2 months ago
Choices like what? Having a blind favorable bias towards people who served in the military? The consequences of that are an incapable workforce that coast through life on past merits. I’ve worked with lots of them and most have a sense of entitlement, but are only mildly capable in the role they’ve been hired for. They have developed this sense of entitlement because people like you give them handouts. 2 months ago
C’mon man. I was good at shooting people, running fast, and taking orders. That means I’m management material for an office for an insurance firm. 2 months ago
Joining the military helped them get a job.
That was a choice because they sure weren’t drafted. Seems like you didn’t do that and now you’re bitching about how life actually works.
C’est la vie. 2 months ago
I didn’t choose to be born dipshit