To people advocating violence in this thread - let’s just ignore the immorality of convincing civilians to assault and kill other civilians. It’s clear that vigilantism falls within your ethical boundaries and you are unrepentant about it. So instead:
- First off, 99.9% of the keyboard warriors aren’t going to actually do any of the punching and killing they are so proud to demand. They demand all Nazis die right now even if it’s illegal, but (THANKFULLY) it doesn’t seem like they’re actually killing the Nazis near them (and they really, really shouldn’t). So far it’s all “I don’t live near him” and “it sure would be a shame if someone else did it <wink>”. For almost all, again thankfully, it’s just internet power fantasies and hoping someone impressionable commits the crime and takes the consequences.
- They’re apparently living in a magical world where they punch millions and the Nazis fall to the ground wailing “Mein gott, I am undone! What a fool I’ve been. I’ll be a better person!” and everyone around them cheers and promises to oppose Trump and vote Democrat. Even worse are the ones who want to start shooting people, as if killing extremist, insane media figures like Fuentes will make their hateful audience concede and become good citizens. This morning I literally had someone reference Inglorious Basterds as proof the nation would rise up and support them. Life isn’t a Tarantino film and you aren’t Brad Pitt.
- What is actually going to happen if you punch these people is they will pull guns on you in self-defence and kill you, then get acquitted in conservative courts because you assaulted them. Remember crybaby Kyle Rittenhouse? If you shoot them, they will start killing people back. The plans to beat up and shoot fascists en masse is a wet dream for domestic terror organizations/militias like the Proud Boys. Violence won’t prevent purges, it will start them.
- If people start dying Trump will have the outrage-inducing incidents he DREAMS of. If someone kills Fuentes/others the cops will seize and search all their electronic devices and social media accounts. They’ll uncover all this violent vigilante rhetoric that radicalized the murderer and it will make the news. Trump will get all the proof he could want that “the enemy within” is a lethal threat, and he’ll make all these social media posts about “Trumpers are Nazis and Nazis aren’t people and deserve bullets in their heads” national headlines. Fuentes and any others killed will be martyrs. Legal opposition that state governments, courts, civil liberty organizations, etc. are mustering will be swept away in the wake of radical left domestic terrorism and the fear it brings. Similar to how 9/11 turned into 20 years of war.
I’m not defending fascist trash like Fuentes, but I am opposing these calls for his death at the hands of angry internet “warriors”. Instead of telling everyone to kill their fellow citizens, how about protesting and visibly showing support for the women and minorities being targeted? How about making sure every American knows about measures like Gavin Newsom “Trump-proofing” California, or all the people and states already setting up legal challenges to things like mass deportations. What about making sure people know the Pentagon is furiously planning to resist and delay controversial orders? I assure you the Pentagon, state authorities and civil liberties organizations have far more effective and legal plans than angry Lemmy users convinced they’re going to punch and kill their way to a safe nation. 1 month ago
Your points were a little wordy, but I think I can summarize this pretty succinctly: 1 month ago
he could not, in fact, summarize it 1 month ago