Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago
There are two stages when doing with Nazis.
In the first stage: mock the ever loving shit out of Nazis. Nazi thrive on being making people afraid of them. Hard for people to he afraid of you when everyone is mocking you.
Glitter bomb, flaming bags of poop, toilet paper, egg the Fuentes house. Draw penises on the walls. The more juvenile the prank, the better. Hard to be afraid of someone when they have massive penis spray painted on the garage door.
Second stage kicks in when Nazis start getting violent. Kick those fuckers right in the crotch. Stop them from being able to breed. 4 months ago 4 months ago
Nazis are bred in religion, where they’re taught authoritarianism is morality. How do you kick them in the religion? 4 months ago
There’s a third.