Funny you mention this with a LiS - the OG game originally being a periodic game.
Luckily the fate of periodic games died fast.
Comment on Life Is Strange: Double Exposure's Cat DLC Is, In Fact, The Worst 3 months ago
I miss when we were able to have a single price tag, pay the price, and get a complete game, at launch date
Funny you mention this with a LiS - the OG game originally being a periodic game.
Luckily the fate of periodic games died fast.
I hated it back then too. I refused to buy it, until they released the full thing
DLC existed in some form long before digital-only releases existed. We just used to call them expansions, and people used to buy them in droves.
That is objectively a false statement.
Phantom Liberty is an expansion. Shadow of the Erdtree is an expansion. Knights of the Nine and the Shivering Isles are expansions. Echoes of the Eye is an expansion. Bad Company: Vietnam is an expansion. All of these amount to a third, to a half of the total game content. We used to buy them, and will continue buying them, because they add absolutely insane value to what you already really liked.
“Exclusive cat content” that can only be obtained through a 30$ upgrade, and includes 3 new costumes, and whatever the hell cat content is, is dlc. This adds nothing of value for us, but lines the pockets of the studio shareholders quite substantially.
Just because the large players in the industry are complicit, it doesn’t change history, and certainly it doesn’t change the vocabulary.
Factorio Space age is 4 expansions in one package. We definitely still buy proper expansions.
I really cant wait to get Space Age. All the new content looks really dope
I take it you were never aware of The Sims and its “stuff” expansions?
Just because EA claims something is an expansion on the box, does not make it true.
Thanks Bethesda…
You mean Maple Story?
Horse Armor was not the cause of what we have today, even if it was pretty ridiculous.
Okay but maple story was a free to play mmo. How else were they gonna make money if they didnt sell costumes. Now if im not mistaken they expired correct? Thats bullshit i agree. 3 months ago
If people keep buying it, they gonna keep doing it.