There is a baseline of quality that is hard for a plucky individual to match outside of mono-medium media.
While it is possible for good video games to be produced by a single indivudal or very small team, it is a lot of work on their part and hard to do if worried about paying for food, rent, etc.
Filmic media (is there a good noun that joins movies and fiction TV shows as a unified object?), a solid level of difficulty above that. 3 months ago
I think that lately people are taking refuge in things that made them happy in the past because not being able to see a clear future in their lives. Returning again and again to the things that made them happy in their day. And companies are only taking advantage of that. I’m not saying new thing don’t exist, I’m saying people are not willing to search them because they only want to escape to the past. 3 months ago
People have always done that.