Also, if it’s zoom court don’t drive while your zoom court session is going on… seems like it would be obvious, but someone literally did that a few months ago.
Also, if it’s zoom court don’t drive while your zoom court session is going on… seems like it would be obvious, but someone literally did that a few months ago. 5 weeks ago
Well that guy wasn’t actually banned from driving if I recall, it was all a mix up and not his doing.
Still, better to air on the side of caution. 5 weeks ago
Psst, it’s “err”, not “air”. Pronounced the same. 5 weeks ago
Haha boneappletea. TIL. 5 weeks ago
Same root as “error”. It was an error. You erred. 5 weeks ago
My state doesn’t allow operating a phone in a moving car regardless. 5 weeks ago
Even hands free?
Not sure what state this dude was in but he was on hands free. Which in essence is no different than talking to someone in the car, although zoom is different as you might be tempted to look at the video feed.