Did the voice on the payphone say: You must please deposit 25 cents to place your call LOL I think that’s engrained in my memory
Fun fact:
Once touch tone phones became the norm there were actually games you could play by just calling a number. There was also a number you could call and get the local time and temperature. Oh, and lets not forget Mr. MoviePhone!
brygphilomena@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Residential listings were “white pages” and businesses were “yellow pages.”
Yes, they were big, printed on very thin paper, with small typeface.
WoahWoah@lemmy.world 5 months ago
OMG 🤣🤣🤣
GildorInglorion@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Milton Hershey made chocolate, a town, and a school that inherited a controlling interest in the chocolate company.
GildorInglorion@lemmy.world 5 months ago
And an amusement park
WoahWoah@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Looked it up, that school seems very cool. It does sound like you’re describing Willy Wonka though.
Geekocracy@lemmy.world 5 months ago
You are going to think I made this up, but the street lights are shaped like Hershey kisses.
WoahWoah@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Like in the town town or the amusement thing. Did this dude happen to enslave small-statured orange people by chance?
Geekocracy@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Wow! I grew up with these. (Nostalgia intensifies!)