Comment on If Bethesda released Skyrim today, they would have made it woke 5 months ago
“They would have made it woke” is the dumbest fuckin attitude to take, gtfo
Comment on If Bethesda released Skyrim today, they would have made it woke 5 months ago
“They would have made it woke” is the dumbest fuckin attitude to take, gtfo 5 months ago
Sounds like you gotta brush up on your elder scrolls lore my dude. You completely missed the joke that TES was always “woke”. 5 months ago
I suspected but you never know
My bad 5 months ago
Dude, you gotta check out elder scrolls lore, it’s fucking wild. The world runs on clockwork, vivec gave molag bal sloppy toppy while his toppy was sloppy (he was headless), the lizards lick trees to become argonians which are wifi-enabled (the Hist trees can remotely control argonians, which meant shit got real and Mehrunes Dagon, a fucking daedra pissed himself in fear when he tried to invade the Black Marsh during the Oblivion Crisis), there are like, 72 1/2 forms of khajiit, it’s heavily suggested that the elder scrolls is a post-apocalyptic fantasy game…
Also, every race in the elder scrolls has had a space program. The khajiit space program was literally just them standing on each other’s shoulders to reach space.
Oh yeah. And the dragon breaks. When time and space just kinda fuck up and every possible outcome happens at the same time before settling onto a single thread (in-universe explanation for why there’s one canon ending to each game despite players being able to get other endings; each game takes place during a dragon break). 5 months ago
Sloppy toppy while his toppy was sloppy is an inspired use of the English language. You deserve an honorary degree 5 months ago
The mental image I have of the Argonians all turnt on hist sap, invading Oblivion, making Daedra Lords piss themselves, and closing their own gates, makes me happy. 5 months ago
Are there any pictures of this? I can’t stop laughing at the image in my head. This is phenomenal world building.