Aren’t you too busy running a pub and a farm to be on here posting?
Comment on Wales 20mph: Calls made for 1,500 roads to revert to 30mph 5 months ago
I’ve talked to so many fucking idiots about this that don’t get it.
Look roads are for cars and we all did a driving test and we know how fast is safe. Numbers don’t mean anything.
I should be able to drive 60 down a residential if I think I can. If some kid gets run over then that’s their fault and their parents. Roads are for cars. What you expect me to slow down and be late for work? I was already late when I left and this is going to add minutes to my journey people just don’t think.
I know I’m a good driver, I’ve only ever got points for speeding and for drunk driving (but I was still driving well). There some fucking idiots on the road I agree but we shouldn’t all be punished. We need more roads so we can go faster that’s the real issue. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Well played. 5 months ago
1 bump 😂, on the assumption this is satire despite no /s. 5 months ago
This is the united kingdom anyone that needs a /s should be taken out by firing squad at first light. 5 months ago
True brother, its not my fault that cyclist run red lights and get run over, maybe there should be a ban on cycling down car roads like on the A55, this will let drivers go as fast as they know they can go, while not endangering cyclists who think they have equal rights on the road! 5 months ago
this has got to be some solid satire 5 months ago
Idk… He’s missing the /s
It seems satire tho.