libertarians are conservatives with even worse critical thinking skills.
most conservative arguments fall apart when you ask 3 consecutive questions, but it only takes 1 or 2 questions for the typical libertarian argument
Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago
Libertarians are just conservatives without the religion and/or who smoke weed. They hide behind the label because they agree with right-winger s but are too chicken-shit to admit it and can say “bUt I’m LiBeRtArIaN” when something heinous happens
libertarians are conservatives with even worse critical thinking skills.
most conservative arguments fall apart when you ask 3 consecutive questions, but it only takes 1 or 2 questions for the typical libertarian argument
these are not arguments. they are beliefs/opinions
They’re usually even greedier than normal Republicans too, and lean as hard on the 1st amendment as Republicans lean on the 2nd.
Don’t forget that most are pedophiles.
Umm ackshually you mean ephebophiles ☝️ *libertarianism intensifies*
Source: I made it up 5 months ago
Here in Australia, our libertarian party was the only political party to illegally keep advertising well past the election… Fuckers didn’t even clean up their own signs which they are legally required to 5 months ago
Libertarian ideology at work. “Fuck you, I have more ey” or “I dont want poor gay or black people dying in the streets cause they are black or gay. I want them dying in the streets cause they’re poor.”