Is this about researching? I feel like the game would have done better if it was free to play 5 months ago
Exec 1: Should we do research into what gamers want to play?
Exec 2: Nah, just smush together whatever everybody else is doing, slap on a new coat of paint, and then ship that shit. The idiots will eat it up and we’ll be rich.
Gamers: Who asked for this? I didn’t ask for this. I don’t want to play this shit. I’ve got better shit that I can play for free.
Exec 1 & 2: 5 months ago 5 months ago
Considering they are refunding all purchases, it definitely would have but they rolled the dice and this is what they got. 5 months ago
My guess is its too expensive to convert it to free to play now, it would just be taking another huge risk and throwing away money. 5 months ago
There have definitely been times that copying other people worked out well.
Fortnite and Apex copied the BR trend when PUBG wasn’t satisfying everyone’s needs. The former even lazily reskinned a zombie defense game for the battle royale approach. Lots of games reskin the theme of Dark Souls and do okay.
Even if it’s lazy or uninventive, once in a while one of those reskins has a particular element of the concept it reinvents in a much better way. Seems Concord never came up with any such ideas, which could have been great since many people are currently tired of Overwatch specifically. 5 months ago
Those aren’t re-skins though, they just used the battle royals game type as their main game type.
I can’t really think of a similar game to fortnite before it in regards to the combination of building and competitive shooter, although I’m sure someone can point out an early example, and Apex is smashing together counterstrike and maybe overwatch or something similar for the gameplay.
Personally I don’t think apex would have worked if it just looked like a re-skin but its got a lot of great artwork and the level designs are interesting at least to me.
Also fortnite has become the everything game, they have Lego and rocket racing and a guitar hero minigame, its sort of gone wild IMO. 5 months ago
Fortnite started as a sanbox “everything” game
Wasn’t until they added Battle Royale that it became big, but it was always intended to be a playground / creative shooter 5 months ago
I only remember the wave-based, tower defense main mod. What playground mode was there? 5 months ago
Save The World isn’t sandbox or everything and was the only launch mode for the game 5 months ago
There have been a number of voxel shooter that have shipped lowkey since Minecraft that attempted to add block placement to the team v team ticket shooter, e.g. Ace of Spades. 5 months ago
Thanks for the reference, ever heard of that game! 5 months ago
Ace of Spades which, for the record, is open source (in the form of OpenSpades, totally free, has mod support, and self hosted servers.