Yeah I was thinking farming geese has got to be complicated and awful work.
Entertaining for the neighbours though!
Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago
I’d way rather be a duck farmer. Geese are noisy little bastards.
Yeah I was thinking farming geese has got to be complicated and awful work.
Entertaining for the neighbours though!
Chicken is more profitable than ducks.
And more cuddly.
Ducks are the grossest birds. Anything is better than ducks. I have 6 ducks.
Wait I thought you had 7 geese.
18 chickens, 7 geese, 6 ducks, 11 cats, 3 fosters, two dogs.
Today I turn on one foster kitten, the rest leave next week. Not sure if they will give me more when I drop off the one today. But if they have something extra spicy I’ll probably get it.
Basically multiple types and the number is fluid. We’ve lost two chickens and two geese this year.
You got a whole menagerie! Sorry about your chicken and goose loss. 5 months ago
and MEAN